Chapter Forty-Four

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Alright! So I've edited the first fifteen chapters if anyone is interested in re-reading them. Nothing has been re-written, but some things are added, and a few photos have been added. If you want to see what Charlie's room looks like it's somewhere in Chapter Eight. Also, thank you for sticking around after reading the first (unedited) chapter, cause that was brutal trying to fix. It's pretty obvious my writing has seriously improved throughout these chapters.

Anyway, this was a fun chapter to write. I just finished writing Chapter Forty-Eight last night, and I'm sure if you love this story, you'll love the next couple of chapters upcoming in the next week or so. Have fun reading!


When I woke up, it was still black. The atmosphere around was different, it was almost darker, more evil. I still couldn't see. I could only feel the floor, which I pushed on to help myself stand up.

"You're awake" A voice came from nowhere. I looked around, but I could only see black. I felt like I was in the twilight zone.

"Who are you" I called into the oblivion. My voice danced through the shadows as if I yelled off the top of a mountain.

A chuckle came from across from me and echoed around me. "I can't tell you that"

"Okay then. What do you want?"

Another chuckle. "I can't tell you that either"

I turned both my hands into fists and dug my nails into my palms. I needed something to distract me other than thinking about being torn to shreds by an invisible force.

"Can I see you?"

It was silent for a few seconds, and then he stepped out from the musk. It was Zak. He was the only thing I could see in the gloom.

I took a step back.

Not again, Zak cannot be possessed again.

I looked into his eyes; that was when I knew it wasn't really Zak. I suddenly remembered one of many "paranormal teachings" from Zak just before my very first lockdown at Levik Asylum.

"Okay Charlie, what did I just tell you?" Zak asked. He straightened the beanie he was wearing and leaned forward, awaiting my answer.

I looked up from my phone under the table. "Huh? Oh yea. Demons are tricksters" He nodded for me to continue on.

"Um, demons tend to portray themselves as children and people dear to you in order to deceive and get close to you"

He nodded proudly. "Okay. What are the rules?"

"Rules for what?" He put his hand on his head in annoyance.

"The rules you use to get a demon out of your head, if they get to close? You never want a demon to be too close or else you'll get-"

"Possessed" I cut him off. He smiled.

"That's right. So, what are the steps?"

I stuck out each finger in order to count the steps as a recited them. "One: Don't let them see anything that'll give them any power over you. Two: Remain calm and keep your stance, the first thing they'll see is weakness. And Three-"I pondered on the third rule, I couldn't remember. So, I winged it. "Think happy thoughts" I smiled and Zaks faltered.

"This isn't Peter Pan, Charlie. We're not going over this in order to fly to Neverland; you're learning this for when you come too close to a demon"

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