Chapter Fifty-Three

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Prepare yourself... this is a long chapter with slightly scary shit ahead. 


The sound of chains clinking echoed through the stone hallway of the prison. Zak decided he wanted to have an old-fashioned lockdown and he had Amy chain all the doors together. I was not on board with that at all.

"Okay guys switch on your cameras" Zak ordered. I watched as Billy, Jay and Aaron, switched on their devices and began rolling. I took a step out of their view.

The prison was completely black. The only source of light was coming from the cameras. I looked down at my own dinky little flashlight that Zak had given me, it was nothing compared to the lights the guys had.

We had made our base in one of the many empty rooms of the prison. And that is exactly where I spent the first couple of hours of the lockdown.

From 10:00 pm till 1:30 am I sat in the base alone and watched as my dad and the guys wandered freely around the prison. Every once in a while they would come into the X cameras view and wave, knowing I was watching them.

Barely any spiritual activity had picked up yet, but I remembered Amy saying something about between the hours of 2 am and 4 am, the activity gets violent.

Only 30 minutes to go

I spun around in the slightly uncomfortable spiny chair I was sitting in. I dug around in the small backpack Billy brought along and pulled out a red lollipop. My mouth turned dry at the sight of the sweet. I ripped off the clear plastic wrapper and shoved it in my mouth. The sound of the walkie-talkie beeping almost made me choke.

"How are we doing over there Charlie? Are you seeing anything on any of the cameras?" It was Zak.

I moved the lollipop to the left side of my mouth and took a quick look at all the computer screens, but everything seemed fine. Just as I was about to answer Zak, a large bang came from just outside the door.

I completely froze. The walkie-talkie was still in my hand as I slowly stood up and walked toward the closed door of the base room.

"Charlie?" I still didn't answer.

I pulled the heavy rusted door; the bottom scraped the concrete ground as it opened. I popped my head into the dark abyss of the hallway and stepped out. It was so quiet I could hear myself breathing. I shivered as the cold prison air nipped at my skin through my leather jacket.

"It shouldn't be this cold" I whispered to myself. A sudden nauseous felling overcame me, but I kept walking.

Turn around Charlie! What do you think you're doing?

I kept walking. My shoes scuffed the ground as I shuffled through the darkness. I pulled the dinky flashlight Zak gave me earlier out of my pocket and flipped it on. It sputtered for a few seconds, but lit up after I shook it to life.

A familiar sound came from my pocket. "Charlie! Are you okay? Answer me!"

I grabbed the device and raised it to my mouth. "Sorry dad I'm fine, I thought I heard something"

"Christ Charlie, you can't do that to me"

I mumbled a sorry and rolled my eyes. Then I made my way further down the dark hallway. With every step I took, the more nauseous I felt. I knew something very bad was going to happen.

I was about to turn around and walk back to the safety of the base room, but just before I spun around I thought I heard someone crying. I held my breath as I reached a fork in the road. I couldn't figure out where the noise was coming from, it echoed through the hallway. So, I made a choice and stepped out and shone my flashlight down one side of the hallway. Nothing, it was just a dead end. That was when I realized the sound had stopped.

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