Chapter Forty-Five

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When I woke up, I was back in the basement. Except my hand was sticking through one of the basement doors.

"What the fuck?" I mumbled as I pulled my uninjured arm out of the door.

"Charlie?" A voice came from the other side of the door.

"Dad?" I asked. "What happe—Oh" A sudden realization of everything that happened resurfaced in my head.

"Did I hurt you" I asked. I heard movement on the other side of the door and watched as Zak opened it.

"Luckily, you did not. The question is, did I hurt you? You managed to open the door and I had to punch you in the face so I could close it again" I touched my face and hissed. It definitely hurt, but I wasn't going to make him feel guilty about it.

"Of course not"

"I just heard you hiss, stop lying to me" I sighed in defeat. Seconds later, the lights to the entire building turned back on. I looked at Zak's face, I got him good.

He winced when he saw my face; he must've hit me pretty good too.

"Can we go home? I think we're done here" I turned away from Zak and started walking toward the staircase to the main floor.

"Wait a second. What happened?" He asked as he followed behind me. "I know that whatever that thing was-" He pointed to the area behind him where I attacked him. "Was not you. Just like how when I was possessed, that was not me. I knew you were somewhere else the second you hit the ground"

There was no way I was telling Zak about everything that happened, even I couldn't understand it. I stopped walking and turned back around to face him. "I beat him. That is all I will ever say about what happened down here"

Zak opened his mouth to say something, but then quickly closed it. He knew where I was coming from, so he knew not to push buttons.

"Let's go home"


"I can't believe I broke my camera" I moaned as I held the broken fragments in my hands. Zak laughed as he turned a corner into our neighborhood.

"You fell down the stairs and landed on it, I'm more shocked you didn't break any bones" He was right. That was the second time I had fallen down those concrete stairs and neither time had I seriously damaged or broken anything. Well, other than my camera.

A few minutes later and we were pulling into the garage. Then, Zak shut the SUV off and turned to me.

"Why won't you tell me what happened?" I could tell this question had been nagging on him the entire ride home.

I shrugged my shoulders, but I knew exactly why. I also knew he would constantly ask me about what happened until I gave in.

"In all honesty, I can't remember. I can't remember anything about what happened" He sighed.

"Are you sure? Nothing? In the museum you said you beat him"

I shrugged my shoulder again and looked down at the car floor. "All I know is that he's gone. When I woke up in the museum, I couldn't feel him anymore. The whole place just felt lighter" I looked him in the eyes. Technically I wasn't lying, but wasn't telling the truth either.

He gave me a half smile and whispered "Okay" before getting out of the car. I followed him into the house, only to find Aaron sitting on the couch watching TV. I didn't even notice him at first; it was only when Zak yelled "Holy shit!" was when I saw the giant bald man eating Oreos in one hand with glass of milk in the other.

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