Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Jamie immediately saw my smile after leaving Alice's room.

"You saw her didn't you? Just like when you saw that little boy" I stopped smiling.

"I don't know what you're talking about"

She sighed. "Oh stop bullshiting me, you saw her. Why won't you just admit it?"

I stopped to think for a second to weigh out my pros and cons. If I don't tell her, she would bother me until I did tell her. If I were to tell her, she might actually shut up.

I sighed and rubbed my temples. "Fine. Yes I saw her, and she is way better now than she ever was here. Can you please take me back to my room now, I'm exhausted"

She gave me a smug smile. "I knew it" then pushed my wheelchair all the way back to my room.

I was right; she did shut up.

When we arrived, I immediately saw Zak, who was just sitting on the single chair playing on his phone. When we entered the room, his head shot up.

"Dad!" I smiled, but he barely returned one. Worry was pulsing through my veins as Jamie guided me to my bed and helped me settle in it.

"Thanks Jamie" Zak said as he looked over my bed. Jamie nodded and left without another word.

Before he had the chance to speak I spoke. "Is something wrong? Are you okay?"

Zak gave me a puzzled face. "I was going to ask you the same thing"

Now it was my turn for the puzzled expression. "Why would you think that? I mean, excluding the fact I'm in a hospital from a gunshot wound" he lightly chuckled, but then his face quickly turned back to serious.

"You had a panic attack because of me. I understand why you would be terrified of me; especially after what happened at the museum..." he trailed off.

"Stop it. You weren't in control of what happened, that obviously wasn't you and I am not terrified of you...okay?" he solemnly nodded.

Just making me think of the museum gave me the chills. Then I realized there was a missing piece of information I was never told. "What even happened at the museum? What did you guys do after Aaron dropped me off?"

Zak scratched the back of his neck "Well, we, uh-" he stammered.

"Dad" I said in a warning voice "What did you do?"

"We angered it. Big time" he whispered, but I clearly heard what he said.

"You angered it?"



"Well... In my defence, I was seriously upset about what had happened with you, and I lashed out. I called it names and I threatened it continuously. You should've seen how much activity we caught after that happened. Aaron has scratches all over his body, Jay is having brutal nightmares and can't sleep, and Billy refuses to step in the museum ever again"

I really wanted to tell him how much of an idiot he was for angering it like that. He knew what kind of strength that thing had and he knows from experience how dumb it is to anger something with that kind of power, but instead I gave him a very, very disapproving look.

"We were on the verge of getting rid of it, but then I got a security alert on my phone saying there was an intruder on the premises. I looked at all the security cameras I had in the house from my phone and helplessly watched as some stranger pointed a gun in your face. I called the cops and they were able to track your cell. That was how we ended up finding you in the desert"

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