Chapter Sixty-Two

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Right after the doors closed I ran toward them and tried to pry them open with my hands, but they wouldn't budge. I pushed my head in between the cracks and yelled for Zak, but he didn't answer. I had to get in that room. I suddenly remembered there was another (less used) entrance into reception. I crossed my fingers and prayed that it wasn't locked.

I jogged through the corridors of the museum toward the other entrance to reception. It was so much easier to find my way when the lights were on.

A few minutes later and I was standing in the exact same spot I last saw Zak.

"Dad!" I called out. "Dad! Where are you?! Yell for me!"

I paused for a few second and listened as hard as I could, but I heard nothing.

"You won't be able to hear him." A woman's voice filled the room causing me to turn around.

A young woman in a bloodied silk nightgown was leaning against the wall behind me, her makeup was smeared all over her face and her blonde hair had red matted streaks in it.

"Who are you?"

She shook her head. "That doesn't matter. What I'm telling you does. That man that was in here, the woman in white took him."

I nodded my head. "Yeah, I know that. I need to know where she took him."

She looked up at me from the floor. Her eyes had zero life in them as I stared back.

"I don't remember. I only remember how tight it was, how scared I was."

I looked at her figure and noticed a sparkling ring on her left hand.

"You're the fiancé? Aren't you? The one that was found in the—" My eyes widened as I made a sudden realization. "—walls."

My eyes widened even more as I realized where Zak was.

"He's in the walls!"

I looked around to the woman's reaction, but she was gone.

I was about to go look for Zak, but then I realized something. If he was in the walls, he could literally be anywhere in the museum and I would have no idea where, or how I would even get into the walls.

Think Charlie, think! Where could you get into the walls?

I stood and thought back to a couple months ago when Zak thought the museum had rats due to sounds of scratching in the walls. In reality it was actually just a ton of spiritual activity, but we still had to go in the walls to set some traps. I knew how to get in the walls! The only problem was that I had no idea which part of the museum Zak was, let alone how I was going to open the only way into the walls—a bolted shut door in the basement.

The basement.

My chest tightened as I thought about the horrifying events that last occurred down there.

"Pull it together Charlie, dad needs you." I said to myself.

Before I left reception, I grabbed my phone. I turned it on to see the battery was at 11% and about a million missed calls and messages from Zak asking where I was. My eyes widened from shock when I saw the time.

1:30 am.

I had been stuck alone in the museum for almost 3 and a half hours. I only thought it had been an hour. I looked blankly at the screen for a moment. I could call the police, but that would be a massive embarrassment to both Zak and the museum, and no one would believe me if I said a ghost put my father in the walls.

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