Chapter Fifty-Four

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"How many times do I have to tell you to not wander off on your own?!" Zak's nostrils flared a little as I looked up at him with my innocent wide eyes.

I was about to answer his question when he held his hand up in my face. "Apparently not enough"

"I thought I heard something!" I crossed my hands across my chest.

"That is when you tell us Charlie, and we come and investigate it! Not you!" Zak balled his hands into fists causing me to take a step back.

When Zak realized he was scaring me, he relaxed his hands and sighed. "I need to take a step out of here" He refused to look back at me as he walked away.

I slumped my shoulders and sighed. "I'm sorry guys, it's just so boring here watching you guys have all the fun while I sit here and watch computer screens"

Jay put his hand on my shoulder. "But Charlie, you don't understand how dangerous it can be when you're all alone. Your dad has a valid reason to be mad; you have got to stop wandering off on your own"

I internally groaned. If they knew half the shit I had dealt with already, they would've locked me in the base room and not let me out until sunrise.

"I guess so" I mumbled. "Let me go talk to dad"

"And tell him what?" I turned around to face Billy, who was looking at me like a mother expecting her child to apologize, lips pursed and all.

"That I will stop wandering off on my own and start doing what I'm supposed to do?"

"Was that supposed to be a question?"

I groaned and left the room to find Zak.

"Dad?" I called, but no answer. "Dad?"

I turned a dark corner and found Zak leaning against the wall. It was too dark to read the expression on his face.

Good thinking on bringing a damn flashlight you idiot

"Dad? I just wanted to say I'm sorry for wandering off and..." Before I could finish my sentence Zak stepped into my view, but it wasn't Zak.

I stepped back in fear. Whatever it was, it wasn't a man anymore.

His skin was shriveled like a mummy's, and just like the one I had seen previously, his eyes were empty pits in his head.

As I stepped away from the spirit, I tripped on my on foot and fell flat on my ass. I started to scoot away, but it was faster. It reached and wrapped its hand around my throat.

"You need to leave, you need to leave, it wants you, only you" Its breath reeked of rot, causing me to gag. Its bony fingers tightened and squeezed around my throat, I reached for my throat and clawed for a breath of air. Just before I almost passed out, a light came from the corner of my eye, causing the spirit to release its grasps and vanish. Before I knew it, Zak came racing around the corner and shone his flashlight right in my face.

I squinted and held a hand up to block my eyes from the bright light. Zak got the hint and lowered his light, looking at me with a puzzled look.

I could only imagine how weird this looked. I was sitting on the ground, tears welling in my eyes, I was gasping for air, my hand was around my throat, and my back against the wall.

"What the fuck happened here?"

I gulped and looked around me. "Where the hell did that thing go?"

"What thing?" Zak spun around in a circle trying to find what I was talking about, but obviously saw nothing.

"I-I" I stuttered, I was too shocked to know what to say. "It had its hand around my throat"

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