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"Hey Shi-nii, is it okay if I go to Suke's for a bit?" Akurei asked from her room and Kakashi shrugged.

"Be back before midnight." He warned and she nodded, changing into a plain black singlet and black sport shorts. She tucked a few kunais into hidden sheaths and headed out.

"Okay. Just don't do anything stupid please." She begged sarcastically as she walked into the living room and he scoffed, returning back to his book. How did she guess?

"Right back at you." He raised an eyebrow and she rolled her eyes, performing a teleportation jutsu.

She appeared at the edge of Konoha where Sasuke's apartment was. After he turned 10, he claimed that he was old enough to take care of himself so he moved out before giving many thanks. Akurei and Kakashi often checked up on him and he to them every now and then.

"Suke~?" Akurei drawled when she opened the door and narrowed her eyes when she saw darkness. Silence filled her ears until she heard the tiniest of clinks.

Slamming the door shut, she heard the shrill whistle of kunais and ducked, pulling out three of her own and throwing to the direction of the attacker. The figure jumped down and aimed a kick at her chest, which she blocked by crossing her arms in front of her to absorb the impact.

The foot connected and she slammed into the door, not wasting any time to pull out a kunai and deflected an incoming shuriken, ducking down and leaping at them. She wrapped her arms around their waist and tackled them to the floor, hearing a grunt of pain. Akurei swiftly stood up and placed her foot on their chest, grinning proudly.

"Thirty five wins, five losses." She announced and the figure below her groaned in defeat.

"Thirty five losses, five wins." They admitted and Akurei helped them up.

"Heh, have you eaten yet Suke?" Akurei asked asked the taller boy and he patted himself down, shaking his head.

"I just got back from training." He replied and Akurei hummed in 'pride'.

She walked over to the curtains and flung them open, letting sunshine flood into the dark room. Not liking the stuffy silence, she opened the windows as well and felt a gust of wind come through, ventilating the apartment.

"How do you live like that?" She muttered and he shrugged. He wore a dark blue shirt with grey shorts, his black, duck-butt hair sticking up like usual. Akurei took a seat on the couch and Sasuke joined her.

"So what's happened?" Sasuke asked and she groaned.

"I got a new mission." She replied and he glanced up.

"Assassination? Assisting?" He questioned and she shook her head.

"Becoming a ranked shinobi. And helping my team pass too." Akurei sighed and Sasuke huffed.

"That's boring." He commented and she chuckled.

"Like you." She teased, 'poking' her tongue out. He rolled his onyx eyes.

"You're going to the Academy right?" He turned to her and she nodded, green hair spread around her head.

"Yeah. Not the slightest worry though." She grinned and he sighed.

"Don't get too cocky. I'll be the one to beat you." He scoffed and she scoffed back.

"Oh please, be my guest." She mocked and a small irk mark appeared on his forehead.

"Don't push me, Akurei." He warned and she emotionlessly laughed.

She still hasn't perfected that emotion yet, but she was getting there.

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