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Her whole body lagged as she jumped between each tree branch, seeing Orochimaru's hideout in the distance. A full day had passed since his fight with Naruto and she only hoped Orochimaru hadn't moved out since her last ANBU mission.

"Akurei." Sasuke groaned and Akurei shifted her green eyes towards him on her back.

"What." She said and he tightened his grip around her neck, placing his forehead against her shoulder while his body trembled.

"I failed." He murmured and she shrugged.

"So? Just come back." She replied and he clenched his fist.

"No. I need power." He suddenly hissed and she huffed.

"Do what you want." She muttered and gave one final push with her legs, soaring through the air and landing in front of the hideout entrance with a thud. Her legs were about to give way but she held on.


"Oi perv! Come out you snake!" Akurei shouted and an annoyed hiss emitted from the cave mouth, a completely different figure appearing.

"You've come." He grinned and Akurei looked the figure up and down. He didn't have long black hair, nor his white skin but instead blond hair with bandages covering his face apart from his right eye.

"Hm. So you've competed your jutsu huh?" She asked as he smirked.

"I have indeed. Why don't you come in-"

"Sorry but I'm only dropping him off. Can't stand being around you." She shuddered and he scowled, Kabuto appearing from the shadows.

"Can't you be more polite?" The assistant scowled and Akurei laughed.


She placed Sasuke on his feet and saw him look down at the ground, eyes diverted.

"Well. This is goodbye I guess. For good." Akurei cocked her head to the side and Sasuke hesitated before slowly nodding.

"Take this at least. It's even marked as an exiled Leaf. Even though it was mine." She chuckled and tied it onto his forehead. His sad eyes bore straight into hers. After all these years he finally noticed the blankness she reflected.

"Take good care of him." Akurei turned to Orochimaru and bowed, making the snake chuckle.

"No promises." He licked his lips and Akurei narrowed her eyes.

"I'll be taking my leave now. Bye, Sasuke." She murmured and hugged him, shocking the Uchiha.

"Bye Ak-"

The shrill whistle of a kunai being thrown scared Sasuke as he saw it impale Akurei's arm, making her stumble and shudder in exhaustion. She was too weak; too tired.

"Get her." Orochimaru ordered and Kabuto sprinted towards her, a scalpel ready but Sasuke intervened, standing in front of his friend and glaring.

"Don't tou dare touch her." He growled and Kabuto faltered.

"Suke..." Akurei whispered and tapped Sasuke's shoulder, making him turn around. She stood on her tippy toes and slid his forehead protector up, pecking his forehead before sliding it back down.

"I'll be going now. Stay safe, Uchiha Sasuke." She gave him a closed eye smile, disappearing with a cloud of smoke.

The moment she left his sight, it felt like a part of Sasuke's heart had been crushed. Despair and sorrow filled his cold heart as he stared into the trees surrounding them.

"What a waste. She had so much potential." Orochimaru muttered as he placed a hand on Sasuke's shoulder, standing next to him.

"Sasuke-kun-" Orochimaru delightfully purred but only to be interrupted.

"Don't touch me." The Uchiha muttered and slapped the hand off, earning a scowl from the silver haired assistant again.

"Kukuku. Of course."


"Hurry up and place her on the bed!"
"Get the blood transfusion!
"But there's none left!"

Havoc erupted in the emergency rooms as Akurei lay on the operation table unconscious. They found her on the edge of Konoha cold, and dangerously low on vitals. Blood loss one of them. As medical-nins rushed around to think of a solution, the Fifth strolled in, a determined frown in her face.

"Calm yourselves. We have a special guest here with us that can help." She ordered and the room fell quiet as the unfamiliar figure stepped in.

"Everyone. This is Sanguis Naibu. He's the representative from Hoshigakure, Land Of Bears. His kekkei genkai specialises in blood jutsus so step back and let him complete a blood transfusion." Tsunade introduced briefly and all the medical-nins stepped back. The man was quite tall dressed in a kimono, blood red hair with green eyes. He had the same eyes as the girl on the table.

"Thank you." He quietly nodded and walked up to Akurei, narrowing his eyes and observing her.

"Hokage-sama. I ask for everyone to leave." He asked and she nodded.

"Everyone out." She ordered and the mind scurried out, shutting the door behind them.

"This girl. She is originally from the Land Of Bears no?" He questioned and turned to the Fifth.

"That is... correct. Her father was a Hoshi." Tsunade cautiously replied and Naibu turned back to the girl.

"That explains it." He murmured and Tsunade mentally disagreed, knowing her mother's kekkei genkai but she didn't mention it. That was confidential.

"If you please." She murmured and stepped away, Naibu nodding.

"Please hang in there, Hoshi." He murmured and started the operation.

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