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"You guys look really hungry. Oh and by the way, something about the training." Kakashi told them and they stared at him, waiting for him to continue.

"There's no need for you to return back to the Academy." He continued and everyone apart from Akurei looked shocked.

"Hey hey hey! Then all of us..!" Naruto cheered and Kakashi sent them a closed eye smile.

"Yup. You three should quit as shinobi." Kakashi finished and the three froze. Akurei giggled.

"All four of you. Should quit as shinobi." He repeated darkly. Silence filled the clearing until Naruto broke it with his loud shouts.

"Quit as shinobi? What does that mean?" Naruto demanded harshly and Kakashi blankly stared at him.

"Okay okay we couldn't get the bells but still! Why do we have to quit?" Naruto shouted.

"Because all of you are punks that don't deserve to be ninjas." He replied coldly and Sasuke suddenly sprinted towards him in anger. Kakashi smoothly pinned the Uchiha down and sat on him, twisting his arm behind his back. Sasuke looked royally pissed.

"This is why you're a punk." He commented and Sasuke glared at him.

"No! Don't step on Sasuke-kun!" Sakura protested but they ignored her. Akurei was still sitting on the stump Naruto was tied to, swinging her legs.

"Are you guys underestimating us shinobi huh? Why do you think you were divided into teams of three, and doing these training exercises?" Kakashi muttered lowly, sending the 4 a dark look.

"Huh? What does that mean?" Sakura dumbly asked and Akurei remained quiet, holding her gaze with Kakashi.

"Basically, you guys aren't understanding the meaning of this test." Kakashi said.

"Understanding?" Naruto echoed.

"Yes. The understanding that would've helped you pass his test." He repeated and Sakura grit her teeth.

"So when are you going to tell us?" She demanded and Akurei scoffed.

"Geez..." Kakashi muttered.

"Argh dammit! What's the answer?" Naruto shouted and Akurei eyed the four in front of her.

"It's teamwork."

Silence passed between the 4 as realisation sunk in, shock evident on their faces. With the exception of Akurei.

'Damn, how did I not realise? Oh well. Guess we're gonna get kicked out as a team lol.' Akurei snickered.

"The three of you working together may have resulted in you guys getting the bells." Kakashi explained and Sakura frowned.

"What do you mean teamwork? There are only two bells! Even if we work together and get the bells, one of us would still fail! So, what teamwork? It'll only make us fight each other." Sakura argued and Akurei hummed.

"Of course. This test was purposely set up to make you fight amongst yourselves. The purpose is to see whether you could forget about your interests and successfully work together. Under these designed circumstances, you guys only cared about yourselves."

"Sakura. Instead of Naruto who was right next to you, and you only thought about Sasuke. Naruto. You were just running around by yourself. Sasuke. You just assumed the others would get in your way and tried to do everything by yourself. And Yami. You were so confident in getting the bell yourself, you disregarded your teammates and fought by yourself." Kakashi explained and each one of them looked away.

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