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Akurei sat down and stared up to the sky, wishing she were on a mission instead. She stared at the black forehead protector in her hands and wondered where to put it.

Well, the most common place was the forehead, so she tied it around her head. She closed her eyes and leaned back, letting the warm sun sink into her. It's been a while since she's done this...

After a few minutes, she heard people talking loudly so she opened her eyes and peeked over the roof top, seeing Kakashi and other jounins walking out. She breathed out and leaped down towards the ground. Quite a rash move.

The wind sharply whipped her hair around, making her narrow her eyes and as she fell towards Kakashi. Akurei snorted when the silver haired jounin sighed, seeing him glance up at her and sidestep just before she landed on him. With a graceful tap, she shocked the jounins, all of them quickly shifting into fighting stances.

"What are you doing here, Yami?" Kakashi asked with his hands in his pockets and she stood up, patting herself down.

"We've been dismissed." She replied and the other jounins smiled.

"It's been a while, Nora." Kurenai, a black haired woman with red eyes smiled.

"Ooo Kurenai-san. It has, and your eyes have gotten even prettier." Akurei replied and Kurenai laughed.

"Never fail to flatter me." She replied and Akurei giggled, a sudden 'distasteful' scent wafting up her nose.

"Asuma-san. You really should stop smoking." Akurei coughed and scrunched her nose.

"Always telling me what to do, you're still quite the bossy five year old." He chuckled and pat her head.

"But you really should. It's bad for your health." She argued and he smirked, the cigarette bouncing in between his lips.

"Haha, no." He dead panned and ruffled her hair.

"My youthful little demon, how much you've grown!" The unmistakable voice cried and hands wrapped around her, squeezing tightly.

"Gai, can't breathe." Akurei wheezed and Gai let go.

"So youthful." He sent her a flashing smile and a thumbs up. The smile almost blinded her.

"T-thanks..." She sweat dropped and Kakashi sighed, flicking the forehead protector on Akurei.

"You passed." He stated and she rolled her eyes.

"No. I stole it." She replied sarcastically.

"Well, I wouldn't be surprised." He muttered and she raised an eyebrow at him.

"Well I gotta go back now so. Bye~ it was nice seeing you again~" Akurei waved and disappeared with a cloud of smoke.

"She never ceases to amaze me..." Kurenai smiled, shaking her head and the others agreed.

"She's one of a kind." Asuma chuckled and they began walking towards the building to meet their teams.


Akurei made it to the Academy and climbed onto the roof, finding Naruto's chakra. For some reason, it gushed out in waves and it 'baffled' the young ANBU. There was a heavy presence within him and Akurei guessed it related to the behaviour people openly displayed around him. How they hated him, gossiped about him, ignored him.

She swung down and hung on the edge, the extremely narrow window sill below her. Akurei breathed out and let go, feeling adrenaline pump through her as she lightly landed on the window sill, slightly unbalanced. The action grabbed Sasuke's attention, who goggled at the girl and sent her an unimpressed look.

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