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a/n: woo double update for the sake of new year's eve :D

Akurei rummaged through her things and shoved essentials into her backpack, slinging it over her shoulder and putting on her fox mask. Checking she had her katana, she examined herself in the mirror and gave a curt nod to herself, flashing back to the Hokage's tower. She reappeared on one knee with her head bowed.

"Hoshi Akurei reporting." She said and Tsunade laughed.

"Eager are we? Well here you go." She held out a scroll and Akurei took it from her.

"Thank you. Hokage-sama may I voice one opinion..." She murmured and Tsunade raised an eyebrow.

"Before Uchiha Sasuke left the village, I talked to him and I personally think he won't come back willingly. Even if we do bring him back forcefully, he will get out no matter what the consequences are." Akurei reported and Tsunade narrowed her brown eyes.

"What are you trying to say?" She questioned.

"I'm saying, that this mission has a thirty percent chance of success." Akurei replied and Kakashi sighed.

"In other words, you're saying that you think that we should let him go." He shook his head and Akurei quietly nodded.

"Of course, but this is what Hokage-sama wanted, and that's what she'll get." The ANBU nodded.

"Tell me what you really want, ANBU." Tsunade ordered and Akurei bowed her head.

"If Sasuke willingly comes back, then so be it. If he refuses, then I request that I will escort him safely to Orochimaru's hideout." She reasoned and Tsunade frowned.

"But that is defeating the purpose of this whole mission."

"Indeed. But there are always two different paths for everything, and that's what Sasuke and I did. He chose dark, and I chose light. So the least I can do for my childhood friend, is ensure his safety." Akurei explained and Tsunade thought about it.

"Tsunade-sama... although Akurei-chan is right, I object. Uchiha Sasuke is the last of the Uchiha and of that falls into the hands of evil, who knows what he could do?" Shizune voiced softly and Tsunade frowned deeper. A few minutes passed in silence.

"I've come to a conclusion." Tsunade finally said and Akurei patiently waited.

"Akurei. Your mission is the retrieval of Uchiha Sasuke but. If you fail, you may proceed to escort him safely through the last leg. You will go as Nora Yami. Your first chunin mission." Tsunade ordered and Akurei bowed.

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Akurei nodded.

"This is an A-Rank mission. You leave as soon as possible today. Dismissed and good luck. And take me it for lunch Brat!" Tsunade shouted the last part and Akurei took of her mask.

"Old Woman." She grinned and disappeared with a flash.


Akurei's green hair streamed behind her as bounded between each tree branch as a blur, half teleporting herself and half sprinting. The moment she went home, she changed outfits again and quickly wrote Kakashi a note before running out. Thanks to her and Kakashi's individual training on scent trailing, Akurei picked up on the techniques and learnt how to trace chakra and yadda yadda.

She huffed and picked up her pace, closing her eyes and trusting her other four senses. The rustling of the leaves and whistling of the wind. The pressure and release of her feet leaping and landing. The smell of the forest and nature. The taste of the crisp air, and the scent of Sasuke.

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