Again death

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Melissa's P.O.V

The morning was more like any other morning. People were buying their convenient things. some shopkeepers were greeting each other. The girl of the flower shop was spraying water over the flowers. Everything was normal except for me. I was running in a hurry towards my destination. Drops of sweat formed on head and neck,under the sun I was running. Running for my sisters.

After about ten minutes, I reached the gate of my uncle's house.I found a crowd on the gate, everyone having sorrowful faces. Some were even crying. Some known and some unknown. I entered the house by excusing myself only to find Davin sobbing by himself. His green orbs were all wet and teary. He had brown hair and it was well dressed. Except for he was all crying mess. He widened his eyes when he noticed me and quickly rushed towards me.

"How did this happen?!?" I asked him while I was trying to hold my tears back.

"Yesterday, one knows how this happened. Police is expecting this time to be a murder" He replied trying not to cry hard.

Yes. Yesterday my cousin got murdered. Today after hearing this news, I rushed over here. My mom was already soothing my aunt and my dad was talking to all those polices. I rushed here from my way to college. Davin did the same. He was one year older than me and was in his 3rd year of college while I was in my 2nd year. We were in the same college.

Yesterday my uncle's daughter, which means my cousin died. It was not that surprising for me because exactly 2 months earlier,our oldest sister died and after an interval of 1 month again our another sister died and now, after 1 month interval cassie,their youngest sister, died.

Cassie was of my age.We used to play alot. But that's not possible now. Because she is gone. Faraway somewhere.

My father was talking with a group of men, I reached him and asked about what police was suspecting. He gave a frustrated look and went on with his sayings.

"Police found cassie's dead body under her bed and she was holding her mobile phone in her hand. They are suspecting that she was maybe calling someone......and they also found someone's call just 1 hour before she died....." Dad stopped and started thinking about it over again.

" you know anyone named 'Tony'??" Dad asked me with his eyebrows furrowed. I was a little shocked and confused atfirst because I didn't remember who Tony was but I was sure enough I knew his or her name.

"I don't......why dad?" I asked him with a worried look.

"Well....Tony was the last one who called cassie and it was exactly 1 hour before her death"

"I see..."

After talking with my dad, I simply went to home. No one was there because everyone was in my uncle's home. I went to my room, changed myself in my casual cloths and thought about taking some rest. Much happened today and I can't forget these in my entire life. Maybe the next victim of that Tony or whatever is me.....for now....I shouldn't think about it.


Hello friends, I know this chapter is too short but plzz be patient I will make a good long chapter soon 😊😊 Next chapter- "My brother is my hero" Plzz dont be a silent reader , vote,comment, thnxxxx💋

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