Best friends

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Recently Alyssa has been too busy.She was absent for some days because she was suffering from fever. In this time of interval, I, Mattias and Natalie became very good friends. Of course they would always fight and I would stop them but recently Mattias told me he had a secret crush on Natalie. I guess thatswhy he called her that night. He told me he never gets the right time to confess. I only listened him. Natalie is as lively as he is. She would never care if Mattias acts differently. Rescently she is sticking to my brother more than ever which is making Mattias hate my brother.

It was Monday, I hurried to the canteen and a smile formed in my face when I saw them waiting for me. They smiled back and we had our seats after that. Mattias went to order something for our lunch. We chatted about many things related to upcoming exams, favourite things and other things.

I was busy talking with Mattias when suddenly Natalie called out to someone. It was Davin. She was happy when she called out to him but got shocked after she noticed a girl behind Davin.

" Hey Natalie, whatsup?" Davin said and I went to hug and greet him. Afterall he is my brother. I didn't care about the girl standing behind her. She was having a blank face. It was tough to say what was going within her mind.

She was wearing a red dress and her orbs were reddish pink. She was having blonde hair and was wearing  a beautiful tiara. She was beautiful. She had an auro which made me look at her in awe. Mattias was a little confused to be more accurate he was worried for Natalie who was having a blank expression.

" Listen guys,meet her, she is Julvia, my girlfriend"  Davin said with pride.

Before I knew I was smiling happily because Davin got such a beautiful lady as her girlfriend.

"Hello, my name is Melissa Vitoria, I am Davin's sister,nice to meet you" I introduced myself with an extremely big smiling face.

She immediately broke into a smile and shaked hands with me.

"Its Julvia, Julvia Williams" She said with a completely different image. I thought she would be bad natured as she was so beautiful. But, she lively introduced herself and we soon became friends. Mattias smiled and introduced himself to her. I was pretty sure he was trying to flirt a little. We all were laughing and after that Natalie introduced herself. She seemed cold a little bit. She was having a blank expression as before.

We went to our seats and everyone started chit chatting. Mattias was reciting his daddy jokes and we all laughed at those. Julvia was  really a great lady. She seemed like a big sister to me.

After a while I noticed Natalie sitting idle. She was having her previous blank face but this time more aggressive. She looked like she was pissed off. She had barely smiled and said anything in between our conversation. Davin was also shut. He was smiling but didn't say much other than yes or no or small words. I felt uneasy and excused myself while I gestured Mattias to follow me.

" Did you notice that?" I asked him dragging him to the corner where no one could find us.

He placed his hand dramatically under his chin and made a hmming noise.

"Do you think Natalie by any chance likes your brother?" He asked me and I stared at him widening my eyes.

"Hey! Please I know its depressing but don't blame my brother....I don't know what happened between them..." I tried my best to defend Davin.

" She is acting weird now-a-days I don't know why......I don't care anymore.....Let's go back..."  He said trying to act all cool but I knew he cared.

We went  back to the circle of friends awaiting us and started chatting again.

At the end of the day, we all went to our respective ways. Davin asked me if I needed a ride or not but I denied because his girlfriend was with him and I wanted them to spend time together. Instead Mattias said he would give me company. Nat denied Mattias and went on her own. Before saying goodbye Julvia came towards me and gifted me a little friendship band.

"You know Davin always talks about you. He is very lucky he has a so sweet sister like you....I always wanted to be friends with you...I hope you will like this gift from me..From now onwards lets be best friends ok?" She asked me with a genuine and gorgeous smile. I couldn't say no and smiled back. After saying goodbye to both of them Mattias drove me to my home.


Hey friends sorry for not updating rescently.....I am having exams....sorrrryyyyyy thankyou so much for promoting the book cya 😎

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