My brother is my hero

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"Heyyyy!!! Wake up you snorlax!!"Somone was shaking me up and shouting at me while I was half asleep. Hesitatingly when I opened my eyes I saw Davin. He was above me with a bottle of water in his hand.

"I could have showered you if u weren't gonna wake up cupcake." He smirked at me and beamed those words while I was rubbing my eyes with my hands.

After about ten seconds I realized there was someone in my room, and it was Davin, DAVIN!!!

"What the hell are you doing in my room, to be more accurate IN MY HOUSE!?!?" I was so shocked to see him in my house of all places.

"Hey! dare to say that again and I will shower you. I am your big brother and this is my responsibility to protect you because....."

He silently looked down to the bedsheet while talking.

"Because...?" I repeated his words.

"Because you know I already lost my 3 sisters and cousin and now I don't wanna loose you. Its very dangerous for you to stay alone always try to understand!!!" He  yelled at me with those teary eyes.

I knew how much he loved cassie because cassie was his sibling and I am his cousin. Now that he is regretting the death of cassie, I can't do anything. He even said that he wasn't home that day, he was doing a group study in his friend's home, and thatswhy he couldn't save his sister.

He tried his best not to cry in front of me. He was the big brother anyone would dream for. He always cared about me and now he vowed to protect me. But still, I am scared, scared of being murdered when everyone is sleeping.

After I did my morning chores I took breakfast and we both went to our college. In the way to my class, I said goodbye to Davin and he 'just like a protective big brother' waved at me. I entered my class and sat beside my bestfriend Alyssa. She was my bestfriend from my 1st year of college. She was perfect,smart,fearless,lively,social and friend making girl and she knew everything about my life, I mean what was going on in my life. I am proud to have a friend like her because she was always there to help me when I was depressed. Once, she even saved me from a group of men who were going to steal my food. Well that happens.

"sooooo Mel whatsup?!?!"Aly said while her eyes were glued in her book.

" How can you be so causal?!? You know I am super depressed now."

"Can I bring cassie back? Please try to cope up"

" Well its easy to say but tough to do. You lost no one thatsy you are saying this." I said harshly. Even I didn't want to be so harsh to her.

" Listen Mel, Even I am sorry for her who hardly knew her.But you can do nothing about bringing her back. so, I think you should better think of your health. Please!!!!!" She pleaded joining her both  hands and I could do nothing but smile.

"Thats it now smile regularly." She said and we both laughed together.

After our classes ended we went to canteen to find Davin standing there and ordering something to eat. I ran towards him and he gave me a worried look.

"Are you okay?"

"of course."

"Then why did you run towards me??"

"simply" Saying that I gave him a wry smile.

After the day ended we went to our respective homes. Of course Davin was there to give me company until I reached my home.

"Take care cupcake." He said while patting my head and smiling wryly.

" Yeah I will Mr. Hero" I said to him smiling happily.

" Mr. Hero? What type of new nickname is that? Wasn't it 'silent killer' last time?"

"Yeah it was because that day you won silently in that board game without even us noticing you. You are really good in that game you know?" I said him before waving my hands and he did same after laughing his ass out.

I went to my room directly just after saying 'I am home' to my mom. I was totally exhausted. Well who wouldn't be after such a long day. After bathing, I jumped into my bed to surf through my phone.

One hour later I went downstairs to have my dinner and after that I returned back to my room. Putting the lights off I went to sleep.

"Beep beep!!" My phone suddenly started ringing after about ten minutes.

Atfirst I was hesitating to pick up my phone but then I thought maybe the unknown number was Davin's or Alyssa's or any of my friend's. I picked the phone with my shaking hands and was going to say hello.




Hey friends I know this chapter is very long and boring but I promise to make a good one next time.😀😀  Plzz vote, comment and don't be a silent reader thnxx.😀Next chapter- Unknown.

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