.54. Black and White

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In her days full of darkness,
He became a speck of light
On a page of the colour black,
He expressed his love in white

In her black heart
He infused his pinch of affection
In the mirror of her eyes
He saw his other reflection

With his love and care
He instilled in her a new life
He became a ray of hope
That helped her in her strife

A strife that wasn't real
It was just a battle of soul
To cure it with his kindness
Was his only goal

Her soul had withered
In the ever changing seasons
He became her everlasting spring
Behind her blossoming, he was the reason

Her heart had been a desert
He came in like a rain
Sprinkling his drops of lies
He washed away her pain

Even when her mind yelled
He is nothing but a liar
Her heart knew better
For he reflected a loving desire

That desire sparked a violent flame
It burned her black heart
His lies became the mesh
Which refined her black heart

Her soul was imprisoned in dark
He freed her broken soul
In that moment of freedom
He also conquered her heart, her soul

He wished to be her king
Make her emotions rattle
He wished to see her love
Not win her in a battle

It was not a battle of kings
He had freed her of her own dark
She wanted to be engulfed in his light
And let him rule her heart

He became the ruler of her lands
The player of her emotions
Amidst her chaotic mind
He brought a silence to her commotion

In that calming silence,
Her heart started playing a lovely tune
Together, they sang and danced
From the darkness, love was immune

She was the spotless black
He became her colorful white
Together with their love
They made a wonderful sight

He overtook her darkness
While she became his mate
Forgetting the horrors of past
They shaped their own fate


A poem with AnkuGarg

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