.21. Little Red Dragon

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A little red dragon
Afraid to fly high
When she met the bigger one
He let out a huge sigh

"Everyone can fly
You just need a push
You need to flap your wings
Not hide behind a bush"

"What?" the little one asked
It was her favorite word
The curious red dragon
Knew she wasn't a bird

"Come here kid"
He made his wings flap
Saying some sweet words
He lured her in a trap

"Look at the sky
Look at this amazing leaf"
Showing her the beauty of nature
He pushed her off a cliff

"Aaaa..." she let out a shout
She trembled inbetween the blinks
Then the instincts took over
As she opened her mighty wings

She flapped a couple of times
But nothing really happened
Losing all her hope
She feared getting trampled

Just before the land
She gave a final flap
He watched it from above
As she gave her death a slap

Inch by inch she rose
A little above the ground
Forgetting all her fears
A new confidence she had found

She flew to the mountain top
And by the river banks
Landing beside the elder
She bowed and said, "Thanks"


"Sometimes, all you need is a push"


This one goes out to undoubtedlymine  who is one of those special readers who always inspires!

She's that cute little red dragon who believes she can't write. I always tell her that everyone can write. All you need is a push.

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