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Some days I'm happy
The others tire me out
Some days solve my confusion
The others leave me in a doubt

Some days make me angry
On others, I say, "I'm fine"
Some days I finish my work
On others I battle with time

But all that is forgotten
When I crawl into the night
A new me awakes
As I switch OFF the light

Above, the fan goes round
The big window, my mate
Lying in bed, I stare at the stars
When the thoughts stroll in for a date

Some thoughts make me sad
Some are like chocolate cake
While some are just memories of the day
Some offer a different take

Only on some rare occasions
A thought occurs that's just wow
Making me sit up in my bed
It screams at me, "Pen me down now."

On some nights I do
On some nights I don't
Thinking I'll do it tomorrow
It's not going to go, it won't

And yet more often than not it has happened
When I've woke up from such a night
The sun is shining up and bright
But my memory has seen no light

That thought which fascinated me last night
I just can't seem to remember
Even if I recall the fragments
It is all a mix of blur

At such times I scold my memory
And sometimes I even scold myself
For not penning the beautiful thought down
And allowing it to rot on tomorrow's shelf

At first when I realized this
I used to say, "I don't care."
But now that it has happened so many times
I think there's a connection there

It makes me wonder what's going wrong
Where do my thoughts go?
Do the angels pull them away from me?
Or do the demons take them on tow?

Would those thoughts be tipping over,
If my brain is filled to the brim?
Or is there an even mysterious plot,
And I'm losing them in my dream?


How many times does it happen that we have that perfect thought late in the night, but we're too lazy to pen it down. And when we wake up in the morning, it's just not there.
So then, where do those thoughts go?

Have you lost your thoughts too?

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