Chapter Two

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"Don't sleep in too late!" You called into the house, hearing an unintelligible answer from (B/F) as a reply. "Remember, you still need a job, so I'd look for one."

"Ugh, can you not act like there's a stick shoved up your-"

"Watch it, I can still toss you and all your unnecessary belongings off of my property," you warned. It'd been awhile since you'd experienced the cranky best friend. She was always like this in the morning.

"Learn to loosen up (Y/N)," you heard her mutter. You brushed off the comment and headed towards your car, hopping in to head to work at 5 Lives. Although you didn't really like the feeling of heading to work in a simple plain t-shirt and jeans, that was what your boss said you should wear. Turning up in pressed pants and a wrinkle-free blouse apparently made people uncomfortable, or so he said.

As soon as you were parked a long way from the entrance, you turned off the car and breathed in deeply. What were you going to study today? You considered the free element of Minecraft was a good place to start, as you noticed many a people enjoyed getting to choose where to go and what to do. You already knew it became old fast, so you weren't going to make a game as free-world as that block game was.

Pushing the door open with your hand, you pushed it back to its closed position once you were through. Cosette was sitting on the counter, reading the back of an Xbox game with mild interest. As soon as the door snapped shut her eyes flew up.

"(Y/N)!" She greeted, hopping off the counter and tossing the game away as she came to greet you.

"Nice to see you Cosette," you nodded.

"Why don't you just call me Cosie? Everyone else does, and you sound much too formal when you say 'Cosette'," she attempted to mimic you when saying her full name but failed, not that she cared. [Cosie is pronounced cozy] She cracked a smile and crossed her arms. You offered no reply, instead went to pick up the dropped Xbox game and place it where it was before Cosette removed it.

"It goes over there," she grabbed it from your hands and went to put it somewhere else, making you eye the spot where a game was obviously taken.

"Nobody bought any Xbox games yesterday, why is there one missing?" You turned to your coworker with a suspicious gaze.

"Boss said there was something wrong with it," she responded without missing a beat. You took your place behind the counter next to the cash register and put her statement against the facts to prove her guilty or not guilty. Your boss had done something similar while only you were on duty, but Cosette knew that. That would provide the perfect excuse.

"Do I get the register today?" You asked as she turned to you.

"You believe me?" She asked, raising a singular eyebrow in surprise.

"Do I get the register today?" You repeated.

"If you want it you can have it."

"During my break I'm gonna play some Minecraft, so if you could set that up I'd be very grateful." There was a small area on the other side of the entrance for customers to play games, and each day you and Cosette got to decide what game was going to be in what system. Some kids came to 5 Lives just to play on the system, but that provided information for you that proved useful in making your game, so you weren't too bothered by it.

It was silent for a while after that, the only sounds during that hour being Cosette putting in the disc and you checking to make sure the cash register would open and close. Cosette made a noise through her teeth that mocked a whistle but clearly wasn't intended to be one then pulled out her phone. Days were usually slow, so her being on her phone wasn't a rare sight.

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