Chapter Twenty-One

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"Remind me again why I'm renting a fog machine?" (B/F) called, setting down the phone with which she just used to call the company that rents out smoke machines.

"We're going to set up a real-life horror experience for Mark, jumpscares and murderers and blood. The whole package, we're doing it," you glanced at her before going back to organizing the plan. You were in charge of mapping where everyone and everything would go.

You discussed with Cosette what your plan was at work, but while she was assembling your minions to help out, you were busy putting people where they were supposed to go in the plan. Cosette, James, and (B/F) were going to be in charge of the jumpscares and animationsーfog, lightsーwhile two friends of Mark's you've never met named Bob and Wade were going to be the killers.

Bob and Wade were going to be given fake weaponsーBob a chainsaw made of styrofoam and Wade a plastic knife dipped in red paint. They weren't allowed within 2 feet of Mark, and although they could hold their weapon like it was real, they couldn't throw them at him or pretend to use it.

If you could see it was becoming too much for Mark, you'd give the code word and the lights would come on and you'd reveal it was just a prank. With any luck, your precautions you had set up would keep the legit horror he was experiencing back. He might even realize the weapons aren't worth anything and face the killers.

All of this you'd be videotaping so if Mark would like, he could put this on his channel. You had already attached small cameras to the killer masks and a couple walls had cameras hidden on them. You'd most likely be racing after him the majority of the time, trying to keep out of sight but doing your best to get good shots. You could also see Mark not liking the idea of posting the video, but perhaps you could convince him just to keep it as a memory of old times.

If he reacted poorly, shouting at all of you for scaring him like that, that was a whole other problem. To try to avoid this, you made sure to use fake blood that was easily removable and no bodies in case he thought they were actually dead. The whole act was dependent on how well Bob and Wade played killer without making Mark crap his pants and pray for his death to be quick. Cosette promised to get the point across that they shouldn't come within 7 feet of Mark, and absolutely no closer than 2 feet. You'd run over the entire plan once you had everyone with you.

You left your thoughts to get back to mapping the run out. You took guesses as to which way Mark would go, but they were just ideas. At any time he could attempt to go on the offense, and if that happened Bob and/or Wade would have to fall back. You mapped a couple ways in which he'd probably go and set up events for each one.

Next: the escape options. Bob and Wade knew Mark's house better than you did so they helped on pointing out any points of exit. All the windows were planned to have a bar jimmed in between the top of the windowsill and the bottom of the window so he couldn't go out that way. Each door was to be held shut through weight. A rope would be attached to the door that was wrapped around a pile of bricks. The front door would have to be blocked after Mark got inside, as you suspected that would be his point of entrance.

A honk from outside made you get up to check out who it was. Cosette sat in her car, her arm draped out of her window as she looked over sunglasses at you.

"Let's go!" She shouted. You went back inside to retrieve your master plan and (B/F) before racing back to Cosette's car and getting inside. She drove off once you were both buckled and started pouring information onto you both. "Bob and Wade are at Mark's house covering the exits, James is setting some things up. We might have a shortage of bars for the windows but if that's the case we can just block rooms.

"Where's Mark?" (B/F) asked.

"Another friend of his is hanging out with him for the day, said they'd keep 'em distracted for as long as we needed," Cosette gave you a sidelong glance and grinned. "Don't worry, the friend's a guy."

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