Chapter Fifteen

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"So it's settled," the man before you clasped his hands together, sitting up straighter in his seat opposite you.

"Indeed it is," you nodded, hands on the armrests of your chair. He stood up and held out his hand to shake, which you briskly did. After the handshake was over he returned his hands to himself, brushing off his business suit. You straightened your pencil skirt and held your hands in front of your body respectfully, waiting for the man to make the next move.

"The disk then, ma'am," he held out his hand.

"Right." You took the 3 INTF discs you brought with you to this exchange and handed them over.

"We will see to it that this game is published and ads are placed to make your game known."

"Thank you, sir," you tilted your head down then right back up.

"If you'll come with me, there are papers you need to sign," he lead you away from the table you'd been discussing at for the last hour to a new room past many offices. Upon arriving at a new destination, he shut the door and handed you a stack of papers. "I had my assistant type these up while we were talkingーand as long as she didn't screw up like she always doesーthey should agree to everything we discussed." He headed for the door, opening it but not leaving. "When you're done looking over everything give the security camera up there a nod and I'll come back."

"Thanks," you sent him a formal smile, an obvious fake one that all business professionals gave each other when faced with reading small writing for hours on end. The man left you to it, and so you began your trek through the pages.

After what had to be over 2 hours, you sat back in your chair with a loud exhale. You were done. Your eyes found the security camera in the corner and gave it a singular nod before resting your eyes and mind. You read everything, and with reading everything comes making sure you're not cheated on in the deal. Everything was in order: the company would gain 30% of the profits made from your game, and the game would start at $30-$50 depending on the platform played on. INTF would be for the PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

The man you were talking with returned and smiled. "Done?"

"Yes, sir," you got out of the comfyーnot as comfy as your one at home but reasonable for an officeーchair and faced the man. You watched as he rifled through the papers, making sure each was signed and agreed to, before he signed them as well.

"Your game will be up soon, ma'am, and if it's as good as I believe it is, you won't have a problem becoming a lawyer," he put the papers in a neater pile before grabbing the file he brought down here with him and sticking them all inside. "Pleasure doing business with you." He stuck out his hand for another handshake and you gripped it, shaking firmly.

"Same to you."

"The exit's down the hall and to your left, it shouldn't be too hard to find."

"Thank you," you turned to retreat out the door and followed his instructions to find the way out. Once outside you let yourself hold a temporary smile on your face, a smile of accomplishment, victory, and good things to come. Your game was being published!

You would've skipped to your car if you weren't a professional, and even then you were feeling the need to share your joyful energy with the world. Driving home perhaps a little faster than you should've, you skidded into the living room to find (B/F) not there. Not put-off, you sprinted to her room to see her lying there, bored based off her odd position and glazed over eyes.

"It's published," you announced.

"What?" She asked groggily, as if she just woke up.

"INTF, it's being made as we speak to send to stores around the USA," you explained, walking further into the room.

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