Chapter Thirty

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"So what's the surprise?" You asked before he could even start up the car. He fired up the engine and teased you by not answering, instead taking a whole 15 seconds to back out of the parking spot and drive towards the main road.

"Buckle up," he said. You realized you forgot that step and did as he said. He could feel your stare on him and he wondered what Cosette did to you to make you so eager to hear what it was. If he knew it wasn't Cosie but in fact the one hour wait he wouldn't have told her, he would've told you himself.

"I'll tell you when we get home," he didn't look at you but he could feel your disappointment.

"Could I have a hint?" You begged.

"It's something awesome."

"That's not much of a hint."

"Well that's all you're getting." You nearly pouted. He chuckled and placed his hand on your thigh like he'd done a few times before, and you put your hand on top of his. So with the knowledge that he wasn't going to tell you what it was, you set your mind on figuring it out.

You almost didn't notice when Mark pulled up to his house, but at the sudden jerk of the car, you were yanked from your thoughts. Your parents were standing there in front of the vehicle with stern expressions on their faces and you panicked.

"This is not a good surprise!" You cried.

"No, this isn't it. I don't know what they're doing here," Mark looked torn between gassing it out of there or just sitting there like you already were. You both exchanged anxious glances as your mom tapped her foot impatiently.

"(Y/N) (M/N) (L/N) get out of that car right now, we need to talk," she said. You swallowed and gave Mark's hand a squeeze before popping open your door and stepping out. You faced them as your door shut; you heard another shut and saw out of the corner of your eye that Mark had also gotten out. He wasn't going to make you handle them alone.

"Come here," Mom demanded. You stepped up so you were right in front of the car, but from there you didn't go on. Mark was at your side the next second. Your parents sighed.

"Look, (Y/N), we wanted to apologize for our behavior before. We don't like him," Dad pointed at your boyfriend. "But we shouldn't say such rude things about either of you."

"We shouldn't be navigating your life, we need to let you choose your own path," Mom rolled her eyes. "Even if it's the wrong one." You didn't know what was going on, it was like they turned over a new leaf, but that made no sense. Did they get drugged? "Now can we get a hug?" You stepped right up and hugged your mom, something that hadn't happened in way too long.

"Why the sudden change?" You asked as you pulled away.

"Shayne, well, convinced us you knew what you were doing," Dad grumbled out. You grinned. You'd have to thank your brother for that later. Your dad held out his arms and you stepped into them, wrapping your arms around his torso.

"Now," Mom clapped her hands together. "Let's see if Mark's good enough for you." You peeked over your shoulder at Mark to see he was as nervous as you were. Your mother noticed the look and shook her head as you moved away from your father. "Don't worry honey, we won't judge too harshly. All men are terrible." Both men protested this, making a short laugh come out of your mouth and Mom's lips to quirk up. "We'll have dinner at a restaurant, your choice what time and where."

"Ok," you nodded.

"Come along darling," Mother grabbed her husband's hand and pulled him towards their car.

"Text us the details," Dad called over his shoulder.

"Will do!" They both got in their vehicle, chatted for a little bit, then drove away. You and Mark exhaled heavily and loosened up your tense bodies.

"So, what restaurant are you thinking?" Mark asked, facing you with his hands on his hips.

"First you have to tell me the special surprise," you became excited when you saw him nod.

"Ok. I'm going to PAX." PAX?

"How long are you going to be away?"

"About a week."

"Ah...What is PAX?"

"It's a gaming thing. I can explain more later," he assured you. "So where to?"

"(Place Of Choice)?"

"Sounds good. 7 p.m.?"

"I'm open," you pulled out your phone.

"Alright. I need to go record some videos, but if they need to change the plans you can pop in and tell me," you followed him inside.

"Will do," you started typing up the message to your parents and took a seat on the couch. Chica took her place next to you as Mark went to his recording room. After the message was sent, you pet Chica. Remembering you needed to do something else, you typed a text up and sent it to Shayne.

YOU: Thank you.

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