Chapter Sixteen

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"Hello everybody! My name is Markiplier and welcome to It's Not The Fall, It's The Sudden Stop," Mark waved at the camera, smiling like he did every intro. "Now, a good friend of mine gave me this game an hour ago and I had to start playing it as soon as I could. She was working really hard on it for a couple weeks, and she told me you guys are going to be able to buy it soon so watch out for it.

"So, let's get started!" He exclaimed cheerily, clicking the 'New' option on the menu screen. You weren't sure if he looked at 'Instructions' but you sure hoped he did, it would help him immensely. Either way, you committed yourself to staying quiet through the whole video.

"Years ago, beasts found their way to our world and rampaged it, their supreme leader Premise [pronounced: prem-iss] overseeing everything." Your voice came from the game, voicing the narrator. "The few survivors left of the human race have banded together to take down Premise and rid the world of the beasts. You're the head of the operation to take down the enemy, the best of the survivors and have a case of the silent protagonist. Was that dramatic enough of an opening, player?"

An option of clicking 'Yes' or 'No' appeared on the screen and Mark moved his mouse over each answer. "I wanna say yes, but at the same time I wanna know what'll happen if I click no." He pondered for a few seconds before saying "I'll just say yes." He clicked 'Yes'.

"My efforts paid off, good," your voice responded. If he would've chosen 'No' you would've said you weren't one for dramaticsーwhich you weren't. "Now, tell me your name."

A blank space with a line under it appeared along with a blinking straight vertical line.

"Oh," Mark put his hands on the keyboard in front of him and typed in 'Mark'. "Done." He selected 'Done' below where the letters were, the word 'Done' appearing after he entered the first 'M'.

"What gender are you?" You narrated. Two options appeared for the player to play as and Mark chose 'Male'. "Would you rather be a big or small hero?"

When his mouse hovered above each word, smaller words appeared at the bottom of the screen explaining the ups and downs of each.

He held it over 'Big' and he read aloud "If you're big that means you're stronger and deal more weapon and melee damage. Your armor is also tougher. But that also means you're slower and can make noise easier." He thought that over for a second then nodded and turned to 'Small'. "If you're small you move faster and make nearly no noise when moving around. You can also equip differents weapons and reload faster, and you recover from blows quicker."

He turned to the camera. "We all known I'm not sneaky and I'm going to make too much noise anyway, so let's go with Big," he selected the bigger word.

"Recreate what you look like," your voice narrated.

"Yes ma'am!" Mark shouted. He found his hairstyle and turned the hair color to red and black and it automatically copied his looksーyou weren't lying when you said he could make it look exactly like him. He switched to facial hair and added the little bit of whiskers he had onto his character, selecting that to be colored black. He sat back and looked over his character's face, giving a nod of satisfaction.

"I'm ready to go," he clicked 'Done' in the bottom right corner.

"Good luck hero, you've got far to go and the lives of the survivors depending on your success. Be careful, your teammates can die," your voice faded out as the game began. Mark's character slowly opened their eyes and looked around at the textures you made for the starting house. You could just hear the footsteps in the distance approaching and his character snapped to attention, looking around for something to defend himself with.

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