Prologue: Nefertiti

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I whirled to look for my shadow. Someone had been following me for the last half-hour, but I had yet to catch a glimpse of who it was. My mouth went dry. Who is following me? Once again, I saw no one. My heart pounded against my rib-cage as though a roaring lion paced there, caged in iron bars. Hands shaking, I stood there, watching and waiting.

This part of the city was dangerous; I had heard of its reputation for dangerous people from my father, Ay, and my Aunt, Queen Tiye. Many times, they had warned me not to go about the streets of the capital, Thebes, without someone with me. I had not listened to them, believing that I would be all right.

Of course, I hadn't really meant to get lost in the worst part of town. Not only that, I was fourteen, going on fifteen in a few months. I was also dressed richly, the perfect target for thieves and worse.

I never should have come! Aunt Tiye warned me of this and so did Father. Why, oh why, did I not listen! Who knows who follows me now, and I am weaponless.

"Come out and show yourself!" I spoke with what I hoped was a commanding voice as soon as I had a stone in my hand to use against my stalker.

A young man stepped out of the shadows.

I dropped the stone in surprise. "Amenhotep?"

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