Chapter 15: Nefertiti

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I woke with a start as someone gave a sharp rap on the mud-brick wall beside my skin door-covering. Sitting up, heart pounding, I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, alert and worried. “Who is it?”

“Princess Nefertiti, I have been sent with orders from Thutmose.” A guard’s voice came through the closed skin.

I tossed my legs over the side of my wooden bed, stretching. “What does he want?”

“He says I am to bring you to him. He wants to see you.”

I sighed. “Very well. I will be along. Wait out there. I have to make myself presentable.” I grumbled.

The guard did not respond.

I fell to thinking on what Thutmose could want. He had recovered from his illness – unfortunately – a week ago. During the two weeks of his illness, Amenhotep had snuck me out during the day to do things and spend time with him.

But since a week ago, when Thutmose recovered, the guards had been reposted. A terrible thought occurred to me. He’s found out! He knows the guards were not guarding me, and he knows Amenhotep has been taking me out of my room – out of the palace walls, too. I am going to be in so much trouble.I forced my mind to relax and steadied my pulse. Instead of thinking on what Thutmose wanted from me, I pulled off my nightdress and changed into my usual, pleated linen dress.

I focused on applying makeup next: kohl to the edges of my eyelids, hienna dye to my lips and cheeks, and a good coating of green eye pigment to my upper eyelids. When I was finished with that, there was nothing left but my hair.

I left it loose, brushing it out quickly and tying the sides back to keep it from falling into my face. Taking a deep breath, I went to the doorway, sweeping the skin aside. “I am done now. Lead on…”

The guard nodded briskly, still not speaking to me, and began to escort me to Thutmose’s chambers.


I stood before the skin to Thutmose’s chambers, pulse racing, hands shaking, and mouth dry. I did not want to do this right now. I wanted more time before I had to confront Thutmose. I could not do this right now. I was not ready.

The guard knocked on the wall beside the skin.

“Yes?” Thutmose’s voice drifted out of the room, deep like usual, but with an underlaying current of weariness to it.

“Crown Prince, I have brought her as you commanded.”

Thutmose appeared at the doorway, moving the skin aside. His gaze went to the guard first. “You are dismissed then.”

The guard bowed low, and then he walked off, leaving me to stand alone in the hall with Thutmose.

I rubbed my damp palms on my dress, staring at him in silence.

His eyes roamed over me, taking in the makeup and the dress as well as my lack of sandals.

A blush rose to my cheeks as he scrutinized me. I hated the close examination and the look that came into his eyes as he looked at me.

He stood back from the door, giving me a warm smile. A warm smile? He had never done that before. My heartbeat skyrocketed into my head. I was sure he could hear it. What was going on here?

“Well, come in.” He cocked his head at me, waving an arm at the room.

I forced my feet to move, stumbling over the threshold. What does he want? What does he want? My mind echoed over and over. I don’t know! I just don’t know! I screamed at myself mentally, trying to silence the furious rate of thoughts racing through my mind.

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