Chapter 16: Thutmose

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What was I going to do? She kept pushing me away, distancing herself from me. I was beginning to lose hope. Maybe she had been right. Maybe I really wasn’t more stubborn than she was.

I put my head in my hands. There was only one thing to do now. Ask my brother how I could win her heart. That had its own complications, though. The main one being that my brother and Nefertiti were in love. It was obvious to me that would be an issue.

Still, he was my best chance. Sighing, I stood up and walked out of my room, heading for Amenhotep’s rooms.


He was pacing about his room when I arrived, and when I entered, his usual tan complexion paled. “Thutmose. What am I in trouble for now?” He clenched his fists by his side, backing away from me to leave a large gap between us.

I felt awful. My own brother was frightened of me. What did I do to deserve that? Surely I was not that awful a person? “I… I need help.” I stammered, shaken by his lack of trust or love.

He frowned. “Help? With what?”

I shifted in my spot, rubbing my sweaty palms against my kalasiris. “It is about Nefertiti… Amenhotep, I know you love her, but I love her too – very much so – and I want to prove it to her, to show her that I am worthy of being loved… I do not want to be a monster in her eyes.”

Amenhotep shook his head, laughing. “You came to me to ask how you could win your own fiancée’s love? This is a first!”

I glared at him. “It is not funny, and I am not joking. I am serious!”

He stopped laughing, but the grin did not pass from his lips.

I crossed my arms, tapping my foot and waiting. “So, what do I do? You have won her heart, and you seem to have done it without any effort… So, what do I do?”

Amenhotep shrugged. “You really want to know?”

I nodded.

“Start by spending time paying attention to her.” He stated, walking to the window and leaning on the sill.

“What? I thought that was what I wasdoing!” I spluttered.

He looked back at me. “Do you want my advice or not?”

“Yes…” I hung my head, feeling much like a whipped dog with its tail between its legs.

I hated that my brother made me feel this way. I hated it when anyone made me feel this way, but smarted worst when it was my younger brother.

He shrugged again. “You cannot keep her locked up like you do. That is not paying attention to her…”

“Yes, it is!” I interrupted.

He glared at me. “It is not paying attention to her in a good way! You need to do things with her. Do you have any idea what her favorite things to do are?”

“Uh… No.” I admitted, embarrassment rising.

“I did not think so. So spend time finding out about her. Display some interest in her life and how she feels about things. Find out the seemingly trivial details, such as what her favorite foods are, what her tastes in clothing and jewels are, her favorite pastimes, all those sorts of things. Knowing those things because you took the time to find out from her will help.” Amenhotep turned away from the window, facing me squarely. “But the best thing you can do is to be nice instead of punishing her for doing anything not involving your will.”

I nodded, looking down at my sandaled feet. “I understand. Is there anything else?”

He shook his head. “No, nothing else. The rest you will have to discover on your own. However, a little kindness on your part will aid you greatly.”

I sighed. “That should not be difficult.”

“So  you say now… But will you say the same when you must control your anger at her for some misdemeanor?” Amenhotep murmured.

I shrugged. “I will try. I know I will make mistakes. But at least I will be trying.”

“Trying is not enough! You have to do!” Amenhotep’s voice rose to its normal tone.

I nodded again. “I understand. Thank you for your advice.”

He smiled. “You know, that is probably the first time I have ever heard you say thank you to me.”

“Do not get used to it…” I grumbled, but we both knew I was teasing.

It had been a long time since I had teased him or just joked around like normal brothers did.

He slapped me on the back, an irreverent gesture to display towards the Crown Prince.

“I could have you thrown into the dungeons or the Pits for that.” I admonished.

“You would not do it.” He grinned.

I smiled back. “Not for such a small thing.”

“Hmm… What would I have to do to get myself thrown into the Pits?” He mused.

I glared at him. “Do you truly want to find out?”

“No. I want to know so I avoid it.” He smirked.

“Well then, you would have to…” I thought about it. “There are a lot of things you could do to get thrown in…” I confessed.

His smirk grew. “Most of them I already know. They involve some form of breaking the law. What I want to know is what I would have to do to have you throw me in the Pits without breaking the law.”

I grinned. “Easy. The only lawful thing I would probably throw you in for would be stealing my fiancée.”

He laughed, but he knew that – on some level anyway – I was serious. “Good to know.” His smile faded, and he became more serious. “But I would not steal her from you… I know what is mine and what is not, Thutmose…”

I nodded. “I know you do.”

“But I thought that…” He trailed off, scratching the back of his neck. “Oh… Oh!”

I grinned. “Oh. I was just doing it because I knew she was listening in…”

He sighed. “Of course you were…” He muttered. “And giving me a heart attack too, by Ma’at’s sweet Feather of Truth.”

I laughed. “Well, that would be an interesting turn of events, would it not?”

“Easy for you to say, I am certain. You are not the one having the heart attack.”

I shrugged. “You speak truly. Well, thank you for the advice, brother. I will take it… I must be off now, though.”

He nodded. “Until later then, brother.” He bowed to me.

I ignored his bow, pulling him into a brotherly hug. “Until later, Amenhotep.”

He embraced me back, keeping his arms and body stiff. It was obvious to me that he was not comfortable with my hug. Well, why would he be? I have not hugged him since we were little.

I moved away. “Well, farewell then, brother…”

He nodded, and I walked out of his room, feeling awkward and wondering for a brief moment why I’d come in the first place. But I had gained important information. Information and advice that I would use to show Nefertiti that I had truly changed and that I meant my words.  She would soon see that I was in earnest.

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