part 9

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'Hey Ell how was the conversation yesterday with Taylor?'

Shawn opens the door. I walk inside with my bag and drop it on the ground.

As Shawn has closed the door I walk up to him and feel his strong arms around me. Those arms that I had so often around me the last year.

They make me think of my dad, who always hugged me like this, with his strong arms around it, feeling that nothing could happen to me.

A tear escaped from my corner of the eye. If I didn't have shawn i don't know what i would have done. He need no explanation, he looks in my eyes and immediately understands how I feel.

When he let me go he grabs my bag off the ground. Together we walk to his room.

'I think it is better that you sleep in the spare bedroom' Shawn says.

Normally we always sleep together in a bed just as friends, but after what happened yesterday I understand why we wants distance.

'yea sure' I reply. He put my bag in the spare room and go sit on the bed.

'Are you also gonna tell me why you come here?' He asks sweet.

I sit next to him and close my eyes. Normally I tell him everything but I don't know if I can tell him about that blow from Taylor.

My eyes are moist. No Ellie no not now I think to myself. But it is already too late, my cheeks flows full of tears.

Shawn gets up and gives me a handkerchief. I wipe my tears away with it and look at the cloth. all my makeup is off, so now you will probably see the hit.

i turn my face away in the hope that Shawn doesn't see it, but it's already too late. He walks up to me and turns my face to him

'ellie What the hell! Who did this?!' I strart crying again. 'Your mother?' He asks. I shake my head. 'Wait........was it Taylor?' He asks slowly.

I look at him, which I admit that he is right. He is on 'GODDAMMIT IF HE'LL EVER TOUCH YOU AGAIN! 'He furiously screams, and he walks out the room'

'noooo shawn don't!!' i yel after him 'he is still at your house?' He asks and turns around 'you have dumped him anyway right?' He asks hoping for a Yes.

soft I shake my head. 'Fuck Ell!' 'Shawn please' I say softly. 'Will you please don't do anything I came here because I wanted to rest, stay away from Taylor, my own mother knows he hurt me but she still stands at his side........ please go away for a moment please'

he looks at for a long time but then he turns aroud 'only for you ell, if you would let me he would even have a face anymore by now' he says and i give him a small smile.

Shawn pov
I'm glad Ellie came to me but she need let Taylor go. I know he ins't good for her and there are enough guys in the world that will treat her right.

I'm not talking about meself, Alright I know I would treat her better but if she don't like me in that way I like her there are other guys like me who can treat her Well.

Everybody is better than Taylor. I don't know why but I don't like him scince the day we meet.

Not because Ellie become his from that moment or that I would have to share her with him because I know that moment would come in my life.

Ellie is amazing and all the boys want her so I know there would be a day of sharing her but I don't trust Taylor

And now I know I was right. Taylor hit her and she doesn't even look really mad about it. I'm wondering if he has hit her before.......

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