part 16

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I wake up with a knock on my door. I quick look on my clock and see that's half past 11.
Urrgg way much too early.

'Inside' I say half aspeep. Aaliyah comes in, closes the door behinde here and jumps on my bed.

'So about last night' I start laughing. She blushes 'right last night' she begins

'we walked hand in hand to Senna and when we came there he stayed close to me. Then he just walked away to the dj were he asks for a song.

When he came back Tenerife sea by Ed sheeran was playing, my fav song' she tells

'omg liyah that is so cuteeeee' I scream and she laughs 'he asked me to dance and we danced. After the song I went outside to get some fresh air and he came with me.

I grabed his hand and we looked to the stars. When I turned around to face him he was already looking at me.

He told me that I looked amazing' and she points to me 'because of you btw thanks' and I blush 'you are welcome, continue your story!' I yell happily

'I looked at him and I don't know why but I kissed him and he kissed back. It was an amazing night and we looked the whole night to the stars.'

She says exciting 'that is so romantic!!! I wish my first kiss was like that' I say

'wasn't it romantic?' She asks confused

'not really, it was just a kiss with a guy that I don't know anymore, wasn't really special. But I'm really happy for you it sounds like an amazing night' I say

'it was, how was your night?' She asks

'nothing special I watched 13rw and took a bath not more' I Tell her

'Boringgg' she says laughing ' I knowww' 'coming downstairs' she questions 'noooooooo' I moan 'i can't leave my bed he needs me' I say half asleep

'Shawn made breakfast' she says 'Tell him that I'm only coming down when he makes my fav breakfast, and he doesn't know what that is so I can lay here as long as I want to' I say proud

'and Aaliyah' she turns around 'you can bully shawn with your kiss' she looks at me confused 'Shawn had his first Kiss when he was 14 and he said it was really bad so you are earlier than him and yours was perfect' I smile, she laughs and walk away

I don't know how much later but I hear a knock on my door again, Urrgg why don't know mendeses what sleeping is?

Shawn comes in 'breakfast timeee!!' He screams 'I'm not hungry' I say 'come on' 'nooo let me sleeppppp shawn' I yell

'you told Aaliyah you would come downstairs if I made your fav breakfast and I did so come down and eat.' He says

'No you don't know what my fav breakfast is so' I close my eyes again.

A few seconds later I feel a breath in ny neck and my body is getting cold 'nooo not my blanketttt' I scream angry.

Shawn opens my curtrains 'Shawn noooo please don't do this is me, my eyessss' I say helpless and keep my eyes closed.

Then all of a sudden I feel arms around my waist, when I open my eyes I don't lay in bed anymore but I lat over shawns scholders.

'Shawn put me down pleaseee' I beg him 'Yea right we are going DOWNstairs' he says and laughs about his own Joke

'that wasn't even funny mendes' I say bored. He let me almost fall and I scream 'DONT DO THAT. EVER. AGAIN.' I scream scared

'if you say i was funny because I was' he chuckles.

'No you weren't' I say and shawn let me almost fall again 'ALRIGHT YOU WERE FUNNY MENDES NOW PUT ME DOWN' I scream still scared. He laughs and walks of the sairs.

When we come down Aaliyah walks against us. Shawn wobbles. I scream and clammy me firmly to his wait. It doesn't make sens because shawn lose his balance and we end up on the ground. I lay on top of him.

'Sorry have to go' Aaliyah screams and walks to the door 'and before I forget mom and dad are going to grandma and pa They will be back tomorrow night' she says quickly and close the door.

I still lay on top of shawn and he laughs. His skin against Mine gives me chills. I want to get up but I stuck. My bracelet I have gotten for my dad and that I never take off, attached to shawns sweater.

'Fuck' I say smiling. 'I don't get it off of you without making a hole in your sweater. I can't get up because than my bracelet breaks and I don't want that to happen' I says and fell back on shawns chest.

I feel his breath in my neck. Again I feel chills. Shawns heart goes like a daging rampage. I wouldn't be surprised if my heart does the same.

Moments later I feel his hand going through my hair 'this lays better than my bed' I say with a smile.

He looks laughing and rolls his eyes. 'What? You didn't want me to sleep in my own bed, than I sleep here. I need my sleep you know, otherwise I have kind of morningmood' I laugh and close my eyes.

Moments later I hear the bell ringing. I look up and notice that I still lay on shawns chest who is still sleeping even if it's 1 in the morning.

I try to watch who is at the front door but i can't see it. Alright I can sleep through it I think and close my eyes.

Just when I lay confortable I hear a bonk on the door 'MENDES' I hear someone screaming.

Shawn slow open his eyes and looks at me. Here we go again I think. Shawn comes closer and I do the Same. Just when I feel a soft skin on my lips I hear 'WE HAD AN APPOINTMENT SHAWN OPEN THE DOOR PLEASE YOU KNOW THIS CANT WAIT' shawn looks up

'Omg fuck I totally forgot' his hand goes to my butt, Wow mendes what are you doing? 'I can borrow it right?' He asks and grabs my phone out of me buttpocket 'yea Sure' I say still lying on top of him.

He choose a number and cals someone. On the other side of the door I hear a phone going off.

'He Andrew, Yea hard to explain, I'm home but I cant open the door. Grab the key under the planter.......Yes Yes you can come to the livingroom I kind of need you here' he says laughing and hangs up.

If you like this book maybe you want to read my other book too? It's called liar or lover s.m and I think it's better than this one so far. Lot's of loves x

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