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  I sat down at the bar and ordered a double martini with extra olive...I heard that very sexy voice say make that two of them...I spun around in the chair...and out of nowhere...there he was!...and he was looking me up and down very guess was he was admiring the dress of his choosing...then he pointed at the chair beside me and asked if it was taken...I blushed slightly and shook my head no...he hopped on it...then asked if I was there alone...or if I had a boyfriend/husband on his way...I giggled at his mild humor...and told him I was single...then he gave a deep sigh and said that was good...because he would have felt very awkward making a pass at a lovely lady that was taken already.  

I looked up at him, and asked him if that was what he was doing...he smiled at me and asked me if it was working...I gave a slight snicker, and said maybe...he said with that irresistible grin, that then it was exactly what he was doing...we both giggled for a while, as he bought me another first I thought he was just being a true gentleman...but after a while...I realized he was totally trying to get me drunk...but what he didn't know was that I had a very high toleration for alcohol...but bless his heart...I finally decided to pretend that I acting very silly...and clumsy...just to see where he would take it from there...the one thing I realized though...was he not once asked me for my name...and he didn't introduce himself...even though I already knew who he was...but still it left a huge question mark on my mind.

He slowly walked me out of the bar and asked me if I had a room there at the Luxor...I smiled up at him and said nope...that my room was 313 at the Bellagio...Criss looked at me...and said that it was kinda late, and his room was a lot closer...I couldn't believe it...he was really sexually hitting on me...but he was so damn sexy, and irresistible...that I just couldn't say no...even though it would mean breaking my word to myself...about not having any relationships with any guys for a while...but I just couldn't help, he was so amazingly charming...I do believe honey was actually dripping from those luscious lips of his.

I very willingly let him lead me to the elevators...all the way up to the top of the pyramid...and into his was absolutely gorgeous...but it looked like he hadn't been staying there at all...I looked at question...and he said he didn't sleep much...and he did have a home away from work that he stayed more often...but his suite was just a whole lot closer...I slightly giggled as I very lightly brushed up against him...then I walked around him and looked around his suite...and ended up laying across the bed...just pretending to be sailing in the moment...he walked in and silently shut the door behind him...and sat down beside me...and gently placed his hands on my tummy...and leaned in toward me...but stopped and just gazed into my eyes for a if trying to figure me out.

I got tired of waiting...and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down to me...and started the fire by kissing him first...very gently...and not deeply...just sweetly...I let him do the rest...which he was more than eager to oblige me...his hands were so magical...and he made my body feel like putty in between his fingers...he slowly slid his hand behind my back and unzipped my dress...and casually slid it off...with one swift swipe...and as he continued to kiss me and caress me at the same time...I was slowly peeling his very tight t-shirt off his rippling chest. He was now on top...feeling every inch of my body...with his hands and his body...his jeans were still on...but they were unbuttoned and unzipped.

After hours of passionate foreplay...he decided it was time to get intimately sticky...the passion and hunger from desire was more than I ever felt in my entire life...and I truly never wanted him to stop...or the night to the time he finished with me...I couldn't move an inch...I told him I had never moved like that in my entire life...then I added playfully that he put me in positions I never thought I could get into...he slid off of me, and chuckled in complete satisfaction...and said he could definitely say the same for me...then instead of rolling away from me like most guys do...he rolled right beside me and snuggled all around me...and kissed my neck...and before going to sleep...he thanked me for the amazing time...I held him close to me...until I too fell into a deep and restful sleep.

Meanwhile, back at the Bellagio, it was now 7:00 in the morning and my sister, and friends were taking turns getting the paint out of their hair...and Kim was getting dressed and racing down the stairs...for last night while she was drunk...she didn't recognize the guy she was dancing with...but when Sandy was riffling thru her pictures on her phone...Kim recognized that her dancing partner was her old flame...that just didn't work out the first time...and she just had to go down...and see if he was still she could talk with him...his name was Kyle...Rachel didn't like the idea of her sister getting involved with him...again...because even though the break-up wasn't on bad still took a toll on Kim...and she didn't want her going thru that again...but the heart wants what the heart she didn't say anything.

Kim ran down into the lobby...and looked all around...but she couldn't see him anywhere...but she didn't need too...because he found her...he was a security guard at the Bellagio...and he was just off duty last night...and noticed her...and had to get back with her...he offered to by her breakfast...then afterwards maybe talk about old times...and get to know each other again...Kim smiled at him and placed her hand in his and followed him to the cafe...where they ate breakfast together and share a little small talk between them...where he asked her how her family was doing...then asked if she was seeing anyone...Kim said that her parents still told her constantly that he was their favorite out of all the boyfriends she's had...and missed him...then said that her sister was doing fine...then she said that she wasn't in a relationship with anyone right now.

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