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The next morning...two packages came to Rachel's door along with a fancy limo waiting outside in the parking lot...he handed me a package, then handed Rachel the other one...then said when everyone was ready...he was to take us to the wedding site...but he was in no hurry...and for us all to take our time. We both headed to the living room when we opened our packages and looked in them...they were our wedding dresses...when Criss told me it was silver...with diamonds he wasn't was almost too gorgeous to wear!!! Rachel's dress was almost the same...only it was bright white...with a few diamond along the bust area...they both were breathtaking...

The girls were putting on their dresses and fixing each other's hair...then the girls put on Rachel and my head veils...we took a good look at each other...then in the mirror...and we both sighed at the same time and said we were as ready as we'll ever be...then we all headed out to our limo...but under orders the limo driver blindfolded me and Rachel...because the wedding site was a surprise...but when we finally pulled up in the massive parking lot...Sandy, Kim, and a few other girls from Sandy's work all stunned at the site!! It was beyond breathtaking...but none of them knew it belonged to Criss...Rachel and I were slowly escorted around to the back yard...where the wedding was set up...then that's where Jd and Costa removed our blindfolds...and when we looked around it was like finding Neverland!! Or a Magical Paradise.

The Aisle where were to walk was in the center of a huge swimming pool with lights and water fountains spewing out colorful water from the lighting at the bottom of the were everywhere...and all of our friends and family were already seated waiting for the music to begin...which was a wicked mixture of Criss's song Enrapture...and Klayton's song Connection...and together made the aisle walking music instead of the boring and dull here comes the bride soon as young Dimi was spreading the flower petals in front of me...and Kyle's sister's daughter Millie...was Rachel's flower girl for her aisle...the music started and Costa slowly walked me toward my final destination into Criss's arms forever...and Sully was walking Rachel to hers with Klayton.

Kim was sitting in the front row right next to where her sister was walking...and from all the excitement and extreme happiness Kim fanned herself a few minutes as tears fell down her face...then she fainted...Kyle handed Hannah to his sister Karalea...and helped his wife up and asked her if she was alright...she said the only other time she was this happy was when she was walking down the aisle to him...the justice of the peace stepped up behind the pedestal...and was getting ready for the speech...when finally Costa placed my hand into Criss's hand...and lifted my veil and kissed me very sweetly on the side of the mouth...and whispered thank you...for making my brother so happy...then he shed a few he walked back down to sit beside Mama D...for she was already tearing up and wiping her eyes with a tissue.

Sully lifted Rachel's veil...and kissed her a good one...just for one last spiteful thing to do to Klayton...then placed her hand in Klayton's...and ran to his seat beside his wife...before Klayton decided to kick his ass...then the speech began...and all the tears from the family and friends surrounded us...but I  no longer heard or seen anything else...all I saw and heard was Criss...looking into my eyes...and lightly breathing in complete unison with me...and during that moment neither one of us cared about the boring speech about how marriage first began. Rachel was right across from us...doing the exact same thing. Criss kept rubbing my hands with his...getting restless from standing there...he wanted to get the party started and dance with me...and put his wedding band on me.

Jd was holding Criss's ring for him...while Sandy was holding mine for him...Sully was holding Klayton's ring for Rachel...and Kim got up and was holding Rachel's band for Klayton...after a few more short finally came...the exchangement of rings...and then he said they both could kiss their brides...Criss looked at Klayton...and Klayton looked at Criss...then they both dipped us at the same time and knocked us out with dynamite kisses...then lifted us both up and spun us around...and in unison, they said let the party begin!! Criss danced with me to our private newlywed song...and Rachel danced with Klayton to theirs...after the main song was over...the real music began to play...and everyone joined in on the dancing festivities.

I was finally married to my man...and was the happiest girl in the world...and by the way, Criss was holding onto me...he never wanted to let me go either. The wedding party lasted longer than usual...but it was fun from beginning to wasn't until after...everyone congratulated us and left...that Criss held onto me tightly and asked me how I liked our home. I looked at him in shock and said what!...Criss smiled at me and said that he told me that he had a home away from work...well this was it...and the name of it was Serenity...I jumped in his arms and told him it was breathtaking. Then we kissed under the he asked me where I wanted to go for our honeymoon...but I looked up at him...and said there was no place like home...Criss agreed...and we stayed locked up in his paradise...that he created for us...and had our two-week honeymoon in Serenity. Rachel and Klayton went to the Bahamas...for three luxurious weeks. When we all got back together for our summer vacation/family/friend reunion...Rachel and I spilled the beans that we were both pregnant...only she was having a little girl...and I was having a little boy...and when Mama D was informed that I was having her grandbaby...I don't believe even Criss was as happy and excited as she was.

Nine months later, Rachel and I both were at the hospital delivering our babies...almost at the same time...Rachel's little girl came out just 10 minutes before my little boy did...Rachel and Klayton named their little girl Hayley Aphelion Scott...and Criss and I named our little boy Johnny Crisstopher Sarantakos...that night after Criss brought me and his new baby boy back to Serenity...and after tucking him in his baby bassinet...he jumped in bed with me...and right after he turned off the lights...I told him...and he thought I was in it for his money...where he kissed me...and rolled on top of me...then snuggled up close to me and said that he loved me very much...then we fell asleep in each other's warm embrace....where we all lived happily forever after. Love~Lives~Forever! When You Believe!!!

                                                                   ~*THE END*~

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