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After the fun weekend was over, everyone went back to their work...except for me...I still didn't have a job...which was really starting to irritate me...Criss grabbed me for lunch during his break...and told me he wanted me to remove myself from the Bellagio, and move in with him...that he was thinking about it for the last two days and it was driving him insane...I loved him...and I knew he liked me...but I didn't know he loved me enough for me to actually move in with him!...after my initial shock was over with...he also added that he wanted me to have dinner with him and his family tomorrow night...I choked a little on my water...and asked him if he thought that was a great idea...Criss grabbed me and pulled me right on his lap...and said why not? That I was his girl...and that his mom was driving him loopy about questioning him constantly if he had a girlfriend yet.

I didn't give it much thought after that...and told him I'd love to meet his family personally...he smiled at me...and told me that he was happy now...then we finished our lunch with me in his lap...because he refused to let loose of me. I thought that was going to be the highlight of my day...until just before we were getting ready to leave the cantina...Kim called me and said that Kyle just asked her to marry her!!...and that in two days she was going to be walking down the aisle!...but first she needed to have a bachelorette party with all of her friends...and wanted me to help her set it up...I told her that was awesome!...and that I would love to help out...then I hung up and told Criss the news...and he said didn't they just get engaged not even a week ago?...then he snickered and said that Kyle sure did move fast...I looked at him very seriously and asked him what was wrong with it...if two people truly loved each other...and they knew exactly what they wanted in their life...which was to be together forever...then I told him it was very romantic.

Criss hopped up and said he could be very romantic...without wedding vows...because every time he tied the knot with anyone...they would turn into total bitches...and sever the knot with razor blades...and it would end up in an overly dramatic divorce...and he just wasn't into the heavy negative drama of it all...then he added that he was perfectly happy having a girl that loved him...and he loved back...that was all he needed. I looked down, and said that was good enough for some people...then I kissed him mindlessly on the cheek and left him alone in the cantina...for it did kind of hurt me...knowing that he never had any plans to ever truly want to be with me...he just liked the way I handled him. Criss didn't get my meaning until he let it sink in for a few minutes...he looked at me as I was walking away from him...and he realized that I loved him enough to want to have a life with him...and he hurt my feelings...when he didn't feel the same way. But he let me leave...and he needed to do some major rearranging his personal priority's...then he went to one of the jewelry stores...and bought something special for part of his apology...along with a huge bouquet of roses...he put them up in his office until after work...knowing that he would have to do some major apologizing after being that much of an ass. 

I went to Kim and Kyle's house and helped her with the bachelorette party setup...Rachel dropped by with Sandy...and asked what we were all going to do...Sandy pulled out the tickets to Troy's which was a male stripper dance club...and said it was on her...Kim turned a bright red and said that she told Kyle that he wasn't allowed to go to a strip club...and know her girlfriend was taking her to one...that wasn't fair at all...I looked at Kim and asked her if she really thought that Kyle's buddies were going to allow him to have a bachelor party without taking him to a nude bar...then there was going to be the ever so popular condom tree...and all the kinky male sex toys/gag gifts...Kim looked at me and said I was probably right...but I added to make her relax and be more secure...that it was all purely innocent the last night of being single.

Kim breathed in and said that we were so doing this...Rachel and Sandy already had all the kinky and gag gifts that we all pitched in and got for her...wrapped in Playboy wrapping paper and sitting on the table...but she wasn't allowed to open them until the party...after it was all set up for tomorrow...I stuck around and told them that I was emotionally hurt by what Criss said to me earlier...and didn't want to go back to the Luxor right now...just as I was talking about him...I pull out my ringing phone and tell them speak of the devil and here he rings...but I wasn't in the mood to hear him apologize and sweet talk me into coming back...because I knew if I did...I wouldn't be able to resist him...when I didn't answer he sent me picture messages with him crying and it had little sad face stickers all around his picture...I showed it to my friends...and asked them if I should answer him...but I didn't have the heart to ignore I called him and went out on the patio next to the swimming pool...and sat in the chair and let him pour his little heart out.

Just as I already knew...after he got halfway thru his little speech...I was all teary eyed and heading out the door to go be with him...I hated when he did that to me...because no matter how I tried to overpower it...I just couldn't beat his charm. I made it to the elevator...and noticed some rose petals in the elevator...I didn't think much of it other than someone maybe dropping some their flowers on the ground and some petals fell off...but when the doors opened on Criss's floor...the trail of petals got thicker and led straight to his door...I gave a slight smile...and shook my head a little bit...but followed the trail anyway...then I pulled out my room key that he gave me after the second night we were together...and slowly pushed the handle down...and opened the door slightly...

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