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My name is Kc...not the greatest introduction but here it is...I was living in a huge hell hole in a very small town in Texas, my boyfriend was a rich, scummy piece of shit, my parents hated me because I left him and their chance at having a lot of his money for hooking up with me...yep this is the story of my the beginning it was very dramatic and very sad...but all that was soon going to change...for I told my boss from the Acme Cafe, to take his measly job and shove it up his ass...then I told my parents to go find another slimy way to get rich quick because I wasn't their pawn anymore...then last but not least, my favorite...I went to my so-called boyfriend Eddie's house, and told him in front of his very etiquette family to take his low-life sleazy cheating ass life and keep it...because I was done with him...then I tossed the cheap engagement ring at his face and it landed in his wine glass.

That was merely, stage one of my process in cutting out all that hurt me in my life...the next step was to take all the money I was saved up, and get the hell outta Dodge...but I had the slightest idea on where to go...beens my parents kicked me out of the house...I had to crash with my girlfriend Rachel and her sister Kim...but not to lead anything sister, Sandy followed me to Rachel's house and told me that there was no way I was leaving without her...because knowing that I was no longer part of our parent's master plan...she knew she would be next on the market...but she said she wasn't going to be just a tag along...she had a little money to help with the where ever it was I decided to go.

As I was washing up the dishes after a late dinner with my friends and sister...I overheard Rachel stating that she was going to Las Vegas for her two-week vacation...and have some fun trying to win a few thousand on the slot machines...Kim said she was very excited about it knowing her sister was going to take her along for the ride...Sandy was in the living area half asleep while watching some old fashioned western on T.V. when I went in there and asked her what she thought of moving to Las Vegas...where there were a lot of different people, and many different kinds of jobs for us to find...and that we didn't have to start with a fancy house...we could just stay in a two room condo...or one of the casino hotels until we found what we were looking for. Sandy looked up at me and said that was an awesome for the fact, that neither of us has ever been to Sin City, and we always wanted to go there.

So from the unknown help of my two friends...I decided that Sin City was where I was going to move too...I headed up to the room Rachel let me use, and got settled in...very enlightened about finally knowing at least where I was going...I'd have to figure out what I wanted to do with myself...after we got thing was for sure though...I was done with men for a while...because every time I got close to heart would end up being shattered by them turning out to be total dick heads...luckily my sister was always had luck with her boyfriends...and they never dumped her...she ended up getting bored of them and dumping them...I thought Eddie was the one for me...but boy was I mistaken!! And to think I almost tied the knot with him...I was just glad it was over I could move on with my life.

The next morning I was up with the birds, I took a shower, and brushed my teeth and hair, and got dressed...then went down to the kitchen and grabbed an apple from the bowl on the counter...and ran back up the stairs and pulled all my personal belongings that I carried with me everywhere...and placed them into my small duffle bag...then I went into Sandy's bedroom and told her if she wanted to leave with me...she needed to get up and ready...because I was heading out in 15 minutes...because daylight was wasting...and there were things to do and places to go...and a lot of new faces to see. Sandy looked up at me, then turned to see the alarm clock...she playfully tossed her pillow at me and said it wasn't even 6:00 a.m. yet...and the bus stations weren't even open yet.

I slapped the pillow playfully back on her head...and told her it would be by the time we walked to the bus be picked up...then I ran out of her room and grabbed my cell phone, and mp3 player...and went out the front door. After Sandy realized that I was serious...she quickly got dressed and grabbed her already packed bag...and knocked on Rachel's door and let her know that her sister was on the move...then she grabbed a Diet Coke from the fridge, and an orange...and ran out the door behind me...I was already a block away from her, when I heard her hollering at me to she could catch up...then asked why I didn't wait for Rachel and Kim...without looking at her, I told her that Rachel and Kim's vacation wasn't going to be happening for another month...and I wasn't going to hang around that long...that I was ready to start over...right now!..then I told her if she wanted to wait for Kim and Rachel, that she could...and I would go on ahead by myself...Sandy looked at me with her crazy look that she always gave me...when she thought I said something stupid...and told me that there was no way she was letting me go to Sin City for the first time...without we hooked arms and headed for the bus stop...that would take us on our way to what would hopefully our new home...Las Vegas! Sin City itself.

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