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3 weeks have gone by...and I was really beginning to feel the pain from losing Criss...and it was just a one night fling...I've had many boyfriends in my life...but Criss was so different...then any of them put together...I haven't seen him at all since the argument we sister felt my anguish...and told me I needed to go out and just forget about him...and have fun...but I just didn't feel like having any was like all the fun was sucked out of me...Rachel noticed as well and took me out for lunch, with Klayton and had a little conversation about Kim's birthday coming up...and that she needed my help in setting up the surprise party for her...hoping that it would take my mind off of Criss...and for the moment it did...because all of my attention was on the party.

Ever since that first lunch date, Kim had with Kyle...she's been staying with him at his home...for two weeks now...and they both decided to give each other a second chance...that they still loved each other very much...but he just didn't know how to tell her exactly what she meant to him...and oddly enough came to me for advice...but I was too wrapped up in how I was going to get Criss to want me as I was thinking about Criss...I mindlessly told Kyle he should tell her during her surprise birthday party...his eyes lighted up and kissed me on the cheek and said that was a great idea!! then he thanked me again and raced off to the nearest diamond jeweler to have a special handcrafted engagement ring made up for her.

Sandy was working away at her very fun job...with her new loverboy Sully being her prized guest...always at the bar right in front of where she was usually working...she loved all the attention he gave her constantly...and during her break...she sat on his lap and asked him if he'd like to go to her friends surprise birthday party with her...he grabbed her chest with both hands and said abso-fuckin-lutely...that he wouldn't miss a party for anything...especially with all the hot babes that were going to be there...Sandy smiled at him and playfully elbowed him, and told him to behave himself...or he couldn't go. He smiled very sexily at her and said he'd be a good boy...then muttered under his breath...for as long as he could manage it...Sandy got up and kissed him on the neck...and before she went back to work...she told him that she so heard that.

Rachel and Klayton were working on all the party tunes they were going to have...and Klayton actually joined in and made the birthday cake was actually very awesome...the only thing was...none of us were sure Kim liked guitars that much...because that's what the cake's shape looked identical to Klayton's guitar he used...Rachel thought it was a very cute idea. I went to the store and bought all the good junk food I could think of...along with the ice cream...then I headed back...and of course, the taxi that I was in had to have Criss's face all over it...just to make me think about him all over again...Rachel was helping with the invites...and Klayton said he wanted to invite Criss over...not just because he was his buddy...but because Kim loved his magic...and he talked Criss into performing for her birthday...Rachel told him that was very sweet of him...but she said it wasn't going to be very good on me.

I made it back to Klayton's place where the party was going to be held...and set up the tables to load the junk food on...Klayton pulled the cover off of his swimming we could have a pool party as well...Klayton was hooking up all the speakers to make sure everyone in Vegas heard his music for Kim's birthday...after he finished with the hookups...he was getting ready to help Rachel set the presents on the table for her to see...but Kyle interrupted him by calling his cell phone...he handed the phone to Rachel and asked her how in the hell he got his number...Rachel snickered and said she gave it to him...because he wanted to ask him for a favor...and he couldn't ask him to his face...because for some reason Klayton intimidated the hell out of him...Klayton grinned at her and said that he intimidated the hell out of everyone.

It was now the starting of Kim's party and people started to flock in...but most of them were friends of Klayton's, Sully's, and Kyle's...because us girls were still new to Vegas and didn't really know that many people...I was sitting at one of the tables watching as Kim and Kyle were dancing so lovingly alone on the dancefloor...while everyone else were drinking, eating, and blabbing to each other...when I looked around and saw Criss and a few of his buddies come into the back yard...I looked over at Rachel...and asked her with my eyes, what in the hell was he doing there!!...then I ran into the house...Rachel got up from Klayton's lap and ran in after me...Klayton went up to Criss and welcomed him with a bear hug...and told him that his stage was all ready for him and his Mindfreak'n' experience.

Criss chuckled and patted him on the back and told him he and his brothers were all going to get situated then start the performance after he had some cake and ice cream...and maybe a beer or two...because he was so craving some sweets...Kim saw Criss Angel at her party and excitedly asked Kyle if that was her surprise from get a personal performance from him!!...but Kyle said nope...that Criss's performance was Klayton's present to her...and his surprise was a secret...and she had to wait for it. Criss began his amazing performance and got the entire crowd all on him...he really loved being the center of attention...Rachel went into the house to get me and said she understood how much I felt for Criss, but today was for Kim, and she really wanted her friend to be there for her party...

I looked up at Rachel and told her she was right...that she and Kim were always there for me...and I just needed to ignore Criss and have fun at my girlfriend's I went out...and had fun...but during the entire performance I couldn't take my eyes off of Criss...and through some of the performance...I caught him staring back at me...but I just figured it was a stare of resentment and hate instead of admiration like I had for him. Criss's grand finale was going to be the Caboolture Chair...and beens Kim was the birthday girl he levitated off the stage and grabbed her and said she was going to be his assistant...and he sat her in the chair...and gently covered her up with his magic cloth...then he made her magically disappear...moments later Criss ran to the far side of the makeshift stage and pulled Kim out of the steel container...then kissed her hand and thanked her...and helped her off the stage. Then Criss grabbed the microphone and called Kyle up to the stage.

Kyle thanked Criss for the intro...and Criss left the stage and went to the bar and grabbed a beer from the ice chest...Kyle made the long and beautiful speech about Kim...then Klayton began playing an engagement song that was enough to make the most heartless man cry...and Sully went over to Kim and lifted her up on the stage to he knelt down and held the ring to her...and asked her if she would accept him as her Fiance'...Kim burst out into major water works and knelt down with him...and thru her tears she said yes...and after Kyle placed the ring on her finger...she wrapped her arms around him...but they both lost their balance and landed in the swimming pool...but they must have been fine...because they never stopped kissing each other.

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