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Kim and Kyle were now well on their way to Jamaica for their honeymoon...Sully was going on tour with Godsmack...and my sister Sandy wanted to go with it was going to be a long 7 months without having my sister pestering me...or visa versa...and I was going to miss it...Klayton and Rachel were very much wrapped up in themselves lately...and Klayton was wanting to marry her...but she kept getting cold feet everytime he asked her...which I thought was kind of cute...because instead of making Klayton give would make him more determined...a few times he got downright demanding about it...but then gave her a wide grin and said NOW DAMMIT!!! but added Please right after it.

Criss was still very possessive over me...but it didn't seem like he was getting closer to me emotionally...only sexually...and I was beginning to dislike him...I loved him immensely...I was just not liking him very much...and that was very hard for me to ever think or say...but the dinner with his family was absolutely perfect...JD and Costa loved me instantly...and Mama D said I was the greatest thing that could ever happen to her Crisstopher...and that she would be proud and honored for me to be a part of their family...Criss choked a little bit and shook his head no to his mom...but he didn't know that I saw him...but I did...but I wasn't about to spoil the dinner by fighting with I basically ignored him the entire time...and talked with his family...which I really ended up falling in love with as well.

It wasn't until the next week while I was walking around by myself on Freemont street just window shopping trying to keep my mind off of how Criss hurt me again at the family dinner last weekend...when I heard a very old and familiar voice...that I was hoping I'd never hear again...and spun around very quickly and asked him what in the hell was he doing there!! Eddie walked up to me and gave me a forced hug and tried to kiss me, but I pushed him off, and told him I had a boyfriend...and he just needed to walk away. Eddie pulled me out of the public eye and told me that if I didn't do what he said...he'd kill me right there...then he showed me that he was packing...I got very scared for that moment...and told him he'd never get away with it...that there were way too many people around to see him...then I added that I would scream if he tried anything.

Eddie pulled the gun out and cocked it and told me to try I followed him...under major protest...he didn't see that I was wearing my earpiece from my phone...and I pressed the panic button...which automatically dialed the police...and let him know that I was in danger...Criss was working when his phone went soon as he saw the red flash go across with my name on it...he rushed out of the Luxor and used his GPS tracker on his phone to follow me from my phone...and the police department did the same thing...he took me to one of the condemned buildings that were going to be destroyed...and tied me up and said that as soon as I signed the marriage paper...he'd let me go...that way I was his no matter what...I spat out at him and told him to go to hell...that I would die first...he looked right at me and said that was my other option.

Criss was in an enraged panic...when he found out that I was really in danger...and begged for me to be safe...that he needed me...when Eddie realized that I wasn't going to give him a damn thing he wanted...and he heard Criss hollering out for me...he pulled out his gun...but I screamed at Criss and told him the bastard had a gun!!..then as Criss raced up the stairs he heard one shot...then shortly after another...Criss didn't care about his safety any longer...the only thing on his mind was me...he made it up to me and I was on the floor still bound in the chair...and blood was pouring from my chest...Criss grabbed me and quickly dialed 911...and carried me outside and held me close to his heart and begged me to stay with him...the cops got their first...but Criss told them that the attacker was a coward...and after he shot me...he killed he wouldn't go to prison.

Criss was holding his bandanna where the bullet hole was...keeping the pressure on it...but I was choking and coughing up more blood then there was pouring out of the hole...Criss held me tighter...and cried out loudly...he wiped the blood from my I really tried to stay awake for him...but I was beginning to feel very weak, sleepy, and very cold...Criss wrapped me up closer to I weakly reached up for his face...and gave him a very tiny smile...and told him that I loved much...Criss never stopped crying...and just told me to hold on for him...that the doctors would fix me up...and I'd be back at home snuggling with him again...finally the ambulance pulled up and put emergency IV's and oxygen...along with fresh pressure bandages on the wound...and hauled ass to the ER.

After they got me there I was already in and out of consciousness...from loss of blood...and not knowing what internal damage the bullet itself did to me...they rushed me right in and did emergency surgery on me...I was in there for 6 hours before a nurse even came out to get some more units of blood...Criss tried to get her to tell him anything...but she was in a hurry...and bypassed him...Criss paced the floors...and cried...and dropped to his knees and even prayed...but he was in such an emotional loss and panic...he forgot to call my he very shakenly dialed his phone...and put it on speakerphone...and Rachel answered...and he told her in hysterics that I had been shot...and was at the Vegas Mercy Hospital...having emergency surgery...Rachel hung up with Criss and called my sister that was in Detroit with Sully on his tour and told her the bad news...then tried to get a hold of Kim...but there was no way to reach her in Jamaica...Criss called his mommy and brothers and said he needed them there...that he was a total wreck...and he wouldn't be able to handle it...if they came out with devastating news about his baby girl.

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