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After all the excitement of me waking up was gone...and it was just me and my sleeping Greek my arms...I relaxed and snuggled with him...and closed my eyes for a slight nap...until the nurse came in to check my vitals to make sure everything was working right...they said my blood pressure was kinda low...but they said that was normal after pulling out of a coma. I was really wanting to get out of the bed and asked then when I could leave...the nurse gave me a smile, and said that I just woke up from a long coma...and I was already wanting to leave...that was a very refreshing thing to hear...determination was a good thing.

Then she left and came back in...and said that she would have to sign me up for I could relearn to walk again...then after a week of that...I should be able to leave...if all went well after that...Criss woke up and said that I would be able to leave a lot sooner than that...because he had full faith that I could sit up and stand right now...because he never went one day without messaging and working my legs for me while I was sleeping...I moved both of my legs up and down...and they felt normal...just slightly tingly from not moving them on my own. I looked at Criss and said I wanted to give it a try...because I so wanted out of there...and get some real food and something that tasted better than water to voice was still a little dry and raspy...but I was talking ok.

Criss jumped out of the bed and stood right beside the bed...just in case I needed his help...but unless I asked him...he was just observing. I slowly swung my legs to the side of the bed...and slid to the edge until my feet touched the cool marble flooring...and just moved my feet around for a while remembering the feel of it...I slowly put just a little weight on my left leg...and tried to lift myself up...but didn't quite get it...the nurse tried to help me...but I asked her not too. I looked up at Criss and said I was going to try that again...Criss was full of love and admiration for me at that moment...I put my weight on my legs again and pushed myself off the bed...and stood up...I didn't let go of the bed rail...but I was standing...on my own.

I reached out for Criss's arm...just to use him as a I tried taking baby steps toward the first 12 steps were very shaky...and kinda wobbly...but I knew Criss wouldn't let me I didn't stop...the nurse was shocked at that much progress all in the same day...she just didn't realize how much I hated hospitals. After the first two hours of walking with Criss balancing me...I decided to try without his arm...but Criss refused to leave my side...but he did lower his arm...and just stayed at the ready...just in case I lost my balance...but to everyone's surprise...and mine...I didn't lose my balance once. By the time dinner time came...I was walking all around in the hospital...and no longer in the hospital gown...I was wearing my clothes...that Klayton brought up for me.

The nurse came in the room while Criss and I were playing a little poker...even though he pouted when I refused to play strip poker in the hospital with we were playing for peanuts instead...and I knew he was just letting me win...because he never loses at cards. The nurse walked over and handed me the dinner tray...I looked at Criss with a very disgusted look...but told her thank you anyway...Criss took a look at it...and asked if that was for eating or for the trash I just grabbed the jello cup and ate that...Criss snickered and told me that dessert was suppose to be after dinner...not before. I looked right at him...and said as soon as I seen a dinner...I'd eat it.

30 minutes later, Klayton...must have read my mind...because he came hauling ass thru the doors with food galore from Taco's and Tequila at the Luxor...he handed Criss a bag...then he looked at the hospital food tray and gave a silly look and tossed it all in the trash...and put the bag of food in its place...and told me to dig in...then he pulled out a fountain cup from under his shirt and handed it to me...because he wasn't really allowed to bring drinks in the hospital...I took a swig of it and told him that he was a lifesaver...cherry I missed it's refreshing and tingling as it went down...I must have been really starving more than I thought because after I finished my food...Klayton and Criss both gave me some of theirs that they didn't eat...and I ate that too...but the taste of it all was more than taste buds were on maximum overdrive.

Klayton said he just made a quick trip to drop it off to us...that he had to get back to his girl...because she would be getting off work...and he had to go pick her up...he kissed me on the cheek and said he couldn't wait to have me back home...and out of the hospital...then he looked at Criss and playfully told him to get a damn haircut...but I screeched out hell no!!...Criss chuckled and said that he heard long it was staying...Klayton gave a final wave...and it was just Criss and me...again. But he didn't care at all...we got back into our card was our last hand...and Criss didn't have enough peanuts to ante he told me to name something that I wanted and he'd write it down as his marker.

I thought for a moment...but all I could think about was wanting out of the Criss thought of something for me...and wrote it down...and placed the paper face down on the pile...then smiled up at me and told me to show me what I got. I laid down a full house aces over eights...Criss looked at me...and tossed in his hand...and said that I beat him...he who has never lost a card game...has been beaten...I told him to show me his hand prove that he just didn't throw in a pat hand to lose on purpose...but he said house rules...once he tossed in his was end game...I pulled my winnings to me and reached for the paper...and slowly turned it over...and I gasped as I read what it bold red letters it read..."Bess Marry Me"...and underneath the words was an engagement ring magically attached to the paper.

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