Chapter Three:

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At first the silence is deafening, but it was not an awkward silence

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At first the silence is deafening, but it was not an awkward silence. It was more of a relaxing, tranquil silence that seemed to calm the both of us down. I do not know why I felt so nervous around him or shy, we used to be best friends for Pete's sake. He walked alongside the lake, with me following at his side. He then stopped in his tracks and then turns to me, he stares at me slightly which makes me blush profusely.

"Remember when we used to jump the river?" He joked. "And how I would always fall in and you managed to always get across?"

We both laughed at the fond memories we used to have as children.

"How about we try it again?" Harry suggested as he began to take his shoes off.

I did nothing but stare at him, in a little state of shock that he wanted to do our favourite past time activity or should I say challenge. He then took off his shirt, leaving nothing but his vest and trousers on. Now at this point, I was a red as a tomato. I bent down and took off my shoes. I then looked to him as I touched my top. It began to get slightly uncomfortable, until Harry said he would turn around. As he turned around, I took off my top, leaving me in my underdress. I kept praying to God that no one would come and see us, for there would be talk in the town. That I was certain of.

Before Harry turned around, I noticed a scar on his back. I knew it was probably from the war and I did not want to ask him. I did not want to bring up any painful memories for him. He had taken off his trousers and was now standing in his brief shorts.

"Ready?" He asked me with a slight blush to his cheeks.

"Ready to get beat?" I ask with a smirk and a huge grin.

He laughs at me mockingly, but of course in a joking way. With a count of three Harry jumps and successfully makes it to the other side. I commend him with a single clap and then tie my hair up in a tight pony tail. I take a step back. Then I run. Making the jump, I felt like I was flying and for a moment I forgot what I was doing – I felt so liberated.

As I landed on the other side, my foot slipped and then I felt Harry's hands grab my waist to him. It caught us both off guard and it caused me to fall on top of him. We go down with a thud and then we both laugh at each other, but relieved we made it across. When the laughter dies down, I looked down to Harry, who had his eyes on me. He looked down at my lips and then back to my eyes. My heart skipped a thousand beats and then I quickly stood up, afraid on what would have happened next. I apologised as I stood up and then began to walk across the stepping stones, further down the stream to get my clothes. As I put my clothes back on, I turned to see Harry had done the same.

I looked at my feet and then looked up to see him a little closer.

"It is good to have you back here" He smiled as he nudged my arm slightly.

"And the same to you" I grinned back. "Nice to see you here in one piece."

He laughed at my remark and then put his hand on the back of his neck. Then looked into my eyes intently.

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