Chapter Twenty-Five:

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Harry and Rose when they dance ^

"We would like to welcome Mr and Mrs's Johnson to the dance floor" The butler called out. "To share their first dance as husband and wife"

The two of them danced with each other, Jacks arm wrapped around Katherine's waist. The music playing in the background as the two of them dance around the room; dancing as if nobody else is in the room. As the music came to the end, the couple invited all couples to the dance floor, to be alongside them. I sat in the chair, watching the couples dance with each other. Some romantically in love with one another and looking to each other as if they never wanted this moment to end.

"Care to dance with me?" I heard someone ask me as I lifted up my head, seeing Harry. His hand was outstretched and near me.

"What about Isabella?" I ask as I put my hand in his. "She is dancing with Jim"

I stood up and he walked backwards to the dance floor, our eyes connected throughout the time we walked to the floor. He moved me close to him. His arm on my lower back; his other hand in mine and against his chest. Our bodies against one another, moving with each other, side to side. Harry put his head close to mine, as I moved my head so it was against his shoulder.

For a moment, I had completely forgotten about everything that was going on in my life. Everything seemed so right at this moment in time and I never wanted it to end. As I moved my head, Harry looked to me. My breathing hitched. My heart ached for him to just kiss me, but my head was screaming at me to stop.

"Ro" Harry whispered as he brought his nose against mine.

"Harry I-"I began but was cut off by the sound of a huge crash come from outside. "Oh my Lord"

Edward was back.

I moved away from Harry and ran out of the room, to go and see what the ciaos was. As I walked out I saw Edward standing there with a bottle of whiskey in his hand. All I saw was red. That was the only thing I could see.

"Edward!" I snap and I run up to him, grabbing the bottle out of his hand; smashing it to the ground.

He looked to me and grabbed my wrist, dragging me upstairs. Swearing and yelling at me as he dragged me up the stairs. No one was able to hear over the music playing downstairs, which I was thankful for because I would have felt so embarrassed. Meanwhile, my wrist began to hurt me. It felt as if it was ripping of my arm.

"Stop Edward, please" I beg him. "You are hurting me."

"Edward!" I shouted as I smacked him against his chest. He then grabbed me by the hair and pushed me into his room. A tear slipped from my eye as he dragged me to the bed.

"Edward I swear to God, get the hell off her!" I heard Harry demand as he squared up to Edward.

"Or what Martin?" He drunkenly asks as he stumbles back.

Harry punches him square in the face, which knocks Edward out instantly. I gasp for air as he falls down beside me as I look to Harry. He watches me and walks towards me; bending down to my level, cupping his large hands on my cheek.

"Do you trust me?" He asks as he looks to me.

I nodded my head in reply and looked to his hand. He helped me up and we walked down the stairs. The sun had started to go down and more people arrived at the house for dancing and food. Harry grabbed my hand and walked out of the house. We walked through the quiet street, leaving the party and mayhem behind.

Once we arrived to the small apartment Harry had got before he had left, he opened the door and then looked to me as we walked in. I looked to him and he looked to my body.

"Did he hurt you?" He asked as he held my hand and took me to the kitchen table.

"I am used to it" I mumble and he tenses up.

He brushes my hair to the side and sees a red mark on my neck. He grabbed my arms and looked to see the marks. He looked to my legs and saw all the bruises. Touching them, he looked up to me.

"My Rose" He whispered.

He moved his hand from my legs to my waist. My breathing hitched as we both stood up. He took my hand and led me to the kitchen, getting a drink of water for the two of us. He handed one to me and I drank it slowly; as I felt him look to me as I took each gulp.

Once I had finished, I placed it down on the side and I looked around the small kitchen. Harry put his glass down, catching my attention to him.

"Why are you with him Rose?" He breathed out.

"You know why Harry" I sighed as he moved closer to me.

"No I do not Rose" He stressed. "It makes no sense."

"My grandfather wanted me too!" I frown. "I did not want to disappoint him. I wanted to leave him Harry but once my grandmother died I thought if I left him, my grandfather would be even more depressed."

"Did our love mean anything?" He snapped.

"Of course it bloody well did!" I yelled. "God Harry I still bloody love you. I have to live every day with a person I do not love. I wait for him to come back and try to prepare myself for the worst, knowing he shall be drunk when he gets back!"

"Then leave him!" He yells back.

"It is not that easy!" We argue with each other.

"Yes it is!" He moves closer to me.

"How?" I yell more. "You are with Isabella now anyway, why should you even care?"

"Because Rose, I still bloody love you!" Harry hit the wall behind me, he looked to me and bit on my lip. "I still love you" 

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