Chapter Eleven:

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A little fact about dreaming, not until the 13th century was our word 'dream' used in the sense of "a series of thoughts, images, or emotions occurring during sleep." The word itself is considerably older. In Old English dream means "joy," "noise," or "music." This is very similar to the way we use the word now. I always found dreaming so magical and how as soon as you closed your eyes, you became engrossed in this magical place that made you feel so warm and so calm that you never wanted to wake up. I loved how you could just close your eyes for two seconds and suddenly a dream would overtake your minds haunting thoughts; replacing them with such opposing thoughts and opinions. I never wanted to wake up when I had a good dream.


But reality always has to kick back in.

"Wake up beautiful Rose" I hear my sweet angelic Harry whisper in my ear.

I open my eyes slowly and see him towering above me. My first thought is how did he get up here, but then I remembered opened the window. My brain tried to wake itself up so I could talk some sense, but it was taking its time. He placed a small peck onto my lips that were incredibly dry; lying next to me, putting his arms around me and making me feel so safe and secure. Yet I felt a strange vibe in the atmosphere. That something was about to change absolutely everything for me. For us.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" I asked, once my brain had decided to wake up. He looked to me with sorrowful eyes, which were visible to me because of the shining moon.

"Rose I do not think you are going to like this." He whispered in a hoarse voice.

I stayed quiet, not wanting to show any form of fear or nervousness behind my voice. The reflection of my true feelings.

Harry took my silence as indication to carry on; he breathed out heavily and brought me closer to him, allowing me to lean against his chest.

"I have been asked to go to America" He whispered. "To be a commanding officer in the army"

A silent tear fell down my cheek; I could not speak for I feared my true emotions would show and that was something I did not want to convey to him – it seemed selfish of me. I looked up to the handsome boy that was lit up by the moonlight shinning down.

"I shall miss you" I quivered, trying not to cry.

"And I shall miss you Rose" Harry sighed into my hair, as he placed a small kiss on the top of my head. "But Rose if you do not want me to go, I do not have too"

"I could never do that Harry" I gasped as I sat up to face him. "I could never altar your decision and my thoughts and feelings should not either."

"Rose that is insane" Harry frowned. "Of course I care for your opinion, because I care for you. I care for you more than anyone"

"Why should my opinion and feelings decide whether you go or not" I raised my voice slightly.

"Because I care about you Rose" Harry raised his voice back. "I bloody care for you! I do not want my actions and my decisions to effect what we have!"

"Then what are we?" I argued.

"Bloody be mine!" Harry grabbed my shoulders and then pushed his lips on mine.

We fell into the kiss, carrying it on like it would be our last kiss; which I feared would be. I did not want Harry to go, yet I knew how honouring it is to be asked to go into the US army. It was a huge step up for Harry and I did not want to be the girl who ruined all of his aspirations and plans.

"We probably need to stop" I breathed out as his lips trailed down my neck.

Harry left his lips on my neck and then brought them slowly up to my lips. He gently placed his lips on mine and pecked them frequently.

"I know" He sighed and then looked at his watch. "I should go" He stood up and then pulled me alongside him.

"So what is your answer?" He grins to me. I frown at him, unsure to what he is getting at. "Will you allow me to call you mine?"

I kissed his lips and then pulled back, nodding my head quicker than time.

"I would love too" I grinned back and then Harry picked me up, spinning me around.

I giggled at the crazy boy and then smacked a hand over my mouth, due to being too loud; afraid my grandparents would have heard us by now. Just as I put my hand over my mouth, I heard the light switch go on. Patter along the floor, trailed to my bedroom.

"Hide" I mumbled to Harry and he ran away.

"Rose?" Grandfather called to me through the door. He slowly opened it and I looked around to see where Harry was but I could not see him.

"Sorry grandfather I awoke you" I smiled sweetly. "I was just about to get a drink."

"Try and be a little quieter" He whispered, and then walked away back to his bedroom.

As I shut the door, I run to my bed and look out the window. Harry looks to me and gives me a wink as he walks away from the house. My Romeo has just escaped narrowly but all I wanted was for him to come back to me and never let me go.

All night, I lay awake, contemplating on what Harry had just previously told me. So afraid that it way ruin things for us. Lying to my right, I slowly shut my eyes; with my arm under my pillow as some support. My last thoughts were of Harry and I never wanted that to ever change.

I truly cared for that boy and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for us. I can only hope it shall be for the better. After all things happen for reasons, don't they? Well I always believed so. If it was not meant to be, it would not ever happen. Fate. This was something I truly believed.

He was my first thought when I woke up and when I went to sleep. I never wanted that to change.

I allowed sleep to overtake me and drown me with deep, meaningful thoughts. But I feared that these thoughts may not allow me to have pleasant and happy dreams; just nightmares.

A nightmare I can never, not face. 

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