Chapter Thirty-One:

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"You just got flour into my hair!" Betty squealed as she looked to me.

"I did it by accident Betty" I stutter, trying to conceal my laughter. She jokingly glares to me and grabs some flour in her hands. "Betty don't you dare"

My warning does not scare her one bit and before I know it, she throws the flour in my face; making it go up my nose and in my mouth.

"Ew!" I squeal. "Betty that was mean"

"Oops" She giggles and I huff, grabbing some more flour.

"Two can play that game" I giggle and throw some flour back into her face.

"Come on!" She laughs and then we both erupt into laughter.

"We need to concentrate or the food will burn" I laugh, reminding us both on what we were supposed to be doing.


"Woah" Katherine gasped as she swallowed her mouthful. "Girls, you did such a great job"

"Thank you" We grinned as well all tucked into our meals, enjoying every moment of it.

The Japanese have a term, kenzoku, which translated literally means "family." The connotation suggests a bond between people who've made a similar commitment and who possibly therefore share a similar destiny.

Friends play an important role in a person's life. They encourage when one is sad, they entertain when one is lonesome, and they listen when one has problems. There are varieties of friends: co-workers, social workers, schoolmates, and much more. Each type of friends is helpful in one way or the other. Co-workers could help solve problems and stress gain in the workplace. Friends from the community widen one's prospective by introducing new people from different areas. Friends that grew up with would share the happiness and sadness one might has. However, friends that grew up with might not always be the best friends because they could faking it or been concealing some secrets. So, it is very important for one to recognize all the friends s/he has because good friends are hard to find. Good friends should not be measured only base on the time spent together. With good friends, one is able to have a more meaningful life. It is very difficult to have a definition of a good friend for everyone to agree upon. Since everyone has different personalities, friends one looks for could be very different. Nonetheless, there are some common characteristics shared among most of the definitions. The three main qualities that define a good friend are loyal, understanding, and encouraging.

Loyal is one of the main qualities one looks for when searching for friends. Trusts are gain by having trustworthy friends. At least once in a person's life, one would encounter a friend that likes to share secrets that belong to others with his/her friends. This could be very entertaining for his/her friends, yet the person with the secret would feel irritated. With no doubts, one would not desire to have a blabbermouth person as a friend; except one wants to spread rumours around or wants to find out other people's secrets. So, it would be most comfortable to tell secrets to someone that is trustworthy. Loyal friends.

"I would like to make an announcement" Harry coughed as he stood up, enticing the attention of us all. "I would like to start off by congratulating Jack and Katherine, in this happy stage of their life and now bringing in a no doubt, beautiful child into this world."

"Well thanks Harry" Jack laughed. We all giggled at his comment.

"I would also like to say something else" He stuttered getting nervous. "There is this girl. Um, she was ripped away from me and we both made stupid mistakes which kept us apart. But now we are back together and we shall never be letting go of each other. So I would like to ask her something"

Harry turns to me and kneels down on one knee. Tears brim in my eyes and I know exactly what was about to come next.

"So, Rose Williams" He grinned. "Will you marry me?"

"Oh my goodness" I squeal. "Yes!"

I envelope him in a huge hug; not wanting to let go of him. He sighed with relief and the group all cheered at Harry's and mine fortune. Harry pulled me back and kissed my lips firmly, kissing me as if no one else was in the room; as if no one else mattered.

"I am so glad you said yes" He laughs as he sits back on the chair.

"I would never say no" I smile. "I love you way too much for that."

"Good" He grinned. "Because I love you too Rose and I would not want my life to be any different. I shall never let you go ever again, you are all mine sweetheart."

"Always yours Harry" I smiled. "Always yours."

The night came to a slow end and the others headed off home; leaving Harry and I in each other's company.

"I cannot wait until I marry you" Harry mumbled as he kissed my lips softly.

"Neither can I Harry" I blushed kissing him back.

He lifted me up; wrapping my legs around his body, he slowly put my back to the wall and kissed me firmly, making our kiss a lot more passionate.

"I love you so much" He moaned as I kissed his sharp jawline.

"I love you too Harry" I grin and then I kiss him harder on the lips.

You can bet what happened next. Harry and I loved each other so much and it was shown in every movement and every moment we shared together. He was so gentle with me and treated me as if I was the only girl in the world.

I loved Harry more than anybody and I would not want to see my life any different than to how it is now. I was a fool to let him go, but now he was back; I was not ever, going to let him go. He was my everything and I knew my Grandparents would be proud of me and my choice with Harry. I wish they were with me but that is life. I missed them but I knew they were looking down on me, protecting me and routing any decision I had made and yet to make.

But now it is a new chapter of my life and I never what it to end. My life is a story. My own story. A story full of hardships and difficult decisions but it all worked out in the end. Just like every story does, it goes tits up and works out perfectly in the end.

This is my story.

This is my life.

Which I would never change for the world

The end 

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