Chapter Twenty-Two:

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"Nice girl" I mumble and then walk past Harry to go inside the house.

"Ro" Harry sighed as he grabbed my hand, pulling me to him. My heart skips a bit and then looks to me. "It is nice to see you"

"And you Harry" I smile as I move my hand from his.

As we went on through to the others, we all sat down and indulged in a delicious meal the cook had prepared for us. I sat down by the head of the table; where Edward was supposed to be sat but had not turned up yet. Harry sat opposite me, alongside his girl, Isabella – who was sat to his left side. Katherine had sat beside me, indulging in his meal. We all began to eat our roast beef; talking and laughing at each other, reminiscing on the old times.

"You know what was funny" Ken laughed as he put his arm over Betty's chair. "When Rose and Betty were told they were the maid of honours. They literally screamed, Harry. It was so priceless."

"Oh hush" I laugh. "We all know you were excited to be apart as the groomsmen."

We all laughed and then Harry looked to me. I looked to him and smiled; him returning the smile back to me. He put his arm around Isabella's chair, kissing the side of her cheek; making me slightly jealous but I concealed it and not wanting it to show.

"Oh Rose this was such a lovely meal." Katherine smiled.

"Thank you but I did not make it" I grinned. "The kitchen staff cooks so well here and it is insane to go from cooking your own meal, to having someone else do it for you."

"Where is Edward?" Harry asked.

"He is on a business trip" I furrowed my eyebrows together, due to the fact I told him earlier on.

"Right then" He snapped viciously.

What the hell had gotten into him? I asked myself as I looked to him, glaring intently at him.

"Rose!" I heard the familiar sound of a drunken Edward. My eyes closed together for I recognised that voice a bit too much nowadays, well since Christmas. I stood up and went to the opening of the dining room to see Edward standing there already.

His hands moved to my waist and he pulled me close to him; he started to kiss my neck but I tried to push him away.

"Edward stop" I mumble, embarrassed as I cannot control my future husband. "Were the hell have you been?"

"Do not talk to me like that" He snaps as he pushes me to the wall. I fall back into it, making a glass fall down on the floor. "I need a drink of whiskey"

"No you do not" I snap to him as he grabs my hand. "Let go of me!"

He drags me to the kitchen and demands someone to get him a bottle of the finest whiskey in the house.

"Get off me Edward please" I cried out for him. "Please there are guests in the dining room"

He throws my hand away from him and then looks to his glass in front of him; taking a huge gulp out of it. As he takes the last gulp, he looks to my drowsily and collapses on the table in front of him. A tear slips from my eye and I walk back to the guests, who are dancing to the music playing out of the record player in the dancing room.

"Dance with me Rose" Betty smiles to me, sympathetically.

I smile to her and we dance around the room, laughing as we stand on each other's toes. Katherine and Jack dance together as the music continues you to go on. I look around and I see Harry watching me as Isabella is talking to Jim. As soon as our eyes meet, he moves his head so it is facing the other direction.

We danced for what seemed like ages; the music was never ending and for a moment, I totally forgot about what was happening to Edward and I. The slow music started to play and I sat down on the chair; watching the others slow dance with each other.

Night time came and Isabella and Harry left, alongside Jim, Ken and James. Betty and Katherine stay behind to have a girl's night, ready for tomorrow. We run upstairs and we change into our nightdresses. As I lift up my arms, to take my nightdress off, the girls all gasp at me.

"Oh my Gosh" Betty gasped as I put my nightdress over my head.

"Rose do not tell me" Katherine frowned as I looked to my bruised ribs.

"Only when he is drunk" I mumble. "But when he is sober, he is perfect and so lovely"

"How often is that?" Katherine snapped, not directly at me I know but at the situation. She saw how taken back I was and looked to me sighing. "I am sorry for snapping Rose. I just want you to be safe."

"I will be" I smile. "Now let us stop talking about it. We have a wedding to be excited for I grinned as we all lay in the huge bed.

"Was it weird seeing Harry back?" Betty asked as we all looked to the celling.

"It was a little strange" I laugh as I breathe out. "But he has his new lover now, Isabella."

"I do not take much liking to her" Katherine frowned as she leant on her elbow to the two of us.

"Neither do I" Betty agreed. "Rose is much better for Harry"

"Betty!" I squealed as I put my hands to my face.

"I cannot wait until tomorrow" Katherine grinned.

"Oh Katherine." I sighed, feeling extremely jealous. "I bet you can't. You are marrying the love of your life."

"I love Jack more than anyone" She blushed as we all smiled at her. "But I am slightly nervous."

"Everything will go smoothly" Betty reassured her. "We shall be there to keep things in line."

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