Chapter Eight:

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"Mind if I smoke?" He asks and I shake my head, even though I did not particularly like it myself

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"Mind if I smoke?" He asks and I shake my head, even though I did not particularly like it myself.

As he put the bud to his lips, my eyes followed to Harry who was now looking towards me; his eyes full or jealousy and anger. It scared me a little, seeing him so wound up. However I relished in it, I wanted him to feel a little bit of how I felt. There is not one rule for me and none for him. The train lurched forward, sending us all with it; then sprung back. Harry was no longer looking in my direction and was now faced straight on.

"So" Edward smiled. "Have you found a suitable husband?"

I laugh a little too loud, not sure whether he was trying to hit on me or being totally serious.

"No I have not" I smile as I look to him.

"Have you got anyone in mind?" He smirks and then puts a hand on my leg.

Moving his hand off my leg slowly, my head fills with the face of Harry and his infectious smile, which makes me feel so warm inside.

"Hello?" He laughs as I do not reply for a while.

"Sorry" I blush instantly. "I do not know"

Before I could say anything else, nor Edward being able to ask me anymore questions, I quickly stand up, probably making the worse excuse in the world.

"I need the bathroom" I smile. "Excuse me"

I squeeze in front of him and he hits my bum slightly. Immediately, I gasp in shock and then turn to him and he just sits there laughing.

"Ouch!" I squealed as quietly as I could.

As I turn I see Harry standing up, coming towards Edward; looking not too pleased. Before he can do anything I push him back slowly.

"Harry please don't" I whisper in his ear before he makes a scene.

He grips onto my waist, which pulls me closer to him. I push him back slightly, not wanting to make a scene between the two of us. I shake my head and then start to well up. Harry looks to me shocked and paranoid as to why I was crying; then grabbed my shoulders gently. I pushed them away quickly, not wanting the others to see that I was upset.

"Harry just leave me alone" I mumble and then walks to the toilet quickly.

As I walk down the passage way, between the other carriages, I avoid any eye contact with anyone. Going into the small toilet, I hit into Katherine and Jack, coming out of the toilet giggling. They hit into me and sees I am upset; I shake my head and rush into the bathroom not wanting to see them.

I start to cry, as I bury my head into my hands.

It is silly I know. But I have never fell for someone before, I do not know how I should feel and all the emotions seem to be coming out at once; emotions I have never even felt before. I also felt so confused. He was messing with my head. I mean maybe I am jumping to conclusions. After all both of us have not spoken about our feelings, so maybe I am jumping the bullet with it. Harry just seemed to make gestures that indicated his feelings towards me, and then would completely show the opposite. I know sitting next to a girl does not automatically mean you want them but still.

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