Chapter Thirty:

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"I told you not to hit him" I moaned at Harry as I wiped the blood away from the side of his head. "It is your own fault"

"You are mine Rose" He pulled my waist so I was straddling his lap on the chair. "All mine"

He kissed my neck and I giggled at him; he poked my ribs which made me giggle even more. He pulled my face gently to meet his face; then placed a gentle kiss on my lips.

"Edward is leaving Castle Combe" Ken shouted as he walked through the door, interrupting me and Harry.

"Thank the Lord" Harry breathed out as I looked to him.

"I see I have interrupted something" Ken smirked as he saw our position.

"Ken you are such a wind-up" I laugh as I get off Harry.

"Finally you guys are back together" He grins as he looks to me; I smile at the two of them and then I hear the door opening.

"Harry Martin" I hear Anne shout as she walks through in the living room. "How many times have I told you to stop getting into fights?"

I laugh at her as she sees me. She looks towards me and then Harry; repeating it a few times.

"Please tell me this is not a dream" She grins. "That you two are back as one?"

"We are indeed mother" Harry smiled as he stood up; walking over to me, pulling me into his chest.

"Oh finally!" She squealed and then pulls me into a huge hug. We both laugh as she hugs me tighter than ever before.

If you personify love even in times of trouble, of hardship or war, then you are truly one of the mighty. I see how no matter the stresses laid upon you, that you show more grace than many do in times of plenty. It is in those moments of pain and fear I see right to your soul and know that my faith in you, my love for you, is eternal. You are brave, kind, always giving of yourself. I want you to know that I will be the same for you; I will be your mirror, bring you what you give others - true love, the lasting kind.

The happy ending always came on the last page. When she was little, she always dreamt of the last page of the story of her life. She wrote it very carefully. She made sure it didn't have any flaws. She fought through every chapter ignoring the hurt. She believed in the last page of the last chapter - where the happy ending was mentioned. It had to come to her. She had written it herself, and kept it safe with her until she had reached the last page. But this was not my 'Happy ending' just yet. It was the start but my story does not end here.

Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months. Harry got a job in Castle Combe; opening up the shop my Grandfather used to own. He lived there now; meanwhile I lived with Betty just on the outside of the small village. Harry and I were great. We were madly in love and I could not wait until we were able to spend the rest of our lives with each other.

"Rose" Betty called as I put on my dress. "Katherine is here."

I run downstairs and see Katherine standing there with her hands on her belly. Looking at her, Betty and I frown to each other and then it clicks.

"Holy Crap!" Betty squealed.

"Oh my goodness!" I screamed.

"You are pregnant?" We chorused together in shock.

"I am" She squealed back to us. "I am 18 weeks"

"Congratulations" I smiled as I hugged her gently.

"Jack and I thought it was time you all knew" She giggled. "Before you thought I was just getting fat."

"I thought you were just eating too many cakes and pastries" Betty giggled as Katherine jokingly smacks her.

"Do the other boys know?" I ask.

"They will today." She grinned. "We wanted to go out for a meal tonight to celebrate."

"We could cook you a meal?" Betty suggested. "Then you all could come here. There is enough room."

"If you guys wanted to" She grinned. "That would be great"

"We would be more than happy too" I smiled as she looked to me.

"Brilliant!" She grinned.

"We should go to the shop" Betty laughed as she grabbed her hat and shopping basket. "Coming?"

I collected my coat and my basket, walking alongside the girls as we tried to come up with baby names.

"How about if it is a boy" I began. "Lewis?"

"I like that" Katherine smiled but Betty shook her head.

"No I do not like that" She laughed and then looked to us two. "I like Joseph"

"Yes, that is actually a really nice name" I agreed and we walked into the shop.

"Hey boys" Betty smiled as she we saw Ken and Harry stacking the shelves with products. Jack was at the till; while Jim was sweeping the floors.

"Hey Katherine congrats" Ken laughed as they all hugged her one by one.

"Hey gorgeous" Harry smirked as he kissed my lips. "What you girls doing here?"

"Betty and I are going to cook a celebratory meal for Katherine and Jacks baby" I grinned as Harry wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"What are you going to cook?" Ken asks as he kisses Betty's head.

"That is a surprise" She giggled as she kissed his lips.

"Hey Jim how is Isabella?" I ask him as Harry carries on stacking the shelves.

"She is great! She is on her way to England now." He grinned so happy that his lover shall be in his arms very soon.

"I cannot wait until tonight" Ken grinned as he slapped Betty's bum, making her squeal. I looked to Jack who had his hand on Katherine's small bump. I grin at the two of them.

"That will be us soon" Harry whispered in my ear. "Married and having loads of babies."

I turn to him and laugh at how cute that was.

"Whatever you say sir" I wink. "Depends if you'll ever ask me"

I grin to him and Betty quickly pulls me away, so we can hurry up and cook the meal.

"I love you" I call as I get dragged out.

"I love you too gorgeous" He shouts which makes me blush from ear to ear.


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