Chapter Twenty-Seven:

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"You and Harry did what?" Betty whispered, completely shocked on what me and Harry were up to last night.

"Betty hush" I begged her as I pointed to the door, symbolising that I did not want Edward to hear what happened.

"What is going to happen now?" She asked me as she hugged me.

"I have no idea" I sighed as I hugged her back. "But whatever it is, I have to tell Edward sooner or later."

"What will happen with you and Harry?" She questioned further.

"Betty I need to speak to him before I can do anything." I bit my lip, getting confused; my head was starting to ache from it all.

"Miss Rose!" I heard my name being screamed.

"Rose!" I heard Jim yell.

Betty and I walked out of the room; rushing downstairs, going to see what on earth was the matter. Jim ran up and looked to me with sorrowful eyes.

"Rose, your grandfather." He began but before he could say another word, I ran off.

My feet started moving quicker than they have ever moved before; I was not aware of how fast I could go. My heart was beating faster and faster by the minute as I rushed down the streets of Castle Combe.

"Rose!" I heard Betty yell as she came after me.

"Ro stop!" I heard Harry yell with her.

I carried on and ran all the way to Grandfathers house; running up the stairs, I pushed past all the people standing there in the way. As I moved the people to the side, I saw my grandfather lying on the bed, a pale as a brand new sheet. He saw me and called my name; falling to my knees I held onto his hand.

"Rose I am so sorry for everything" He coughed out. "I have failed"

"No grandfather not at all" I cry out as I kiss his hand, while the tears stream down my face.

"Rose I have" He whispered in a hoarse voice. "I want you to know that-"

He began to gasp for air. I panicked and called out his name; I was pulled away from him and brought into the familiar chest of Harry's. I cried into his chest, while he rubbed my back and tried to calm me down. After what felt like hours of crying, I looked up to Harry and my lip puckered out.

"Rose" He smiled. "Put your lip away my beautiful Rose."

I smile slightly at his words and he grins back to me. "There is that smile."

"I do not want to smile Harry" I sighed after I had cried all my tears out.

"Rose, your grandfather would not want you to be so sad that he has gone." He began. "He is in a happier place now, beside your grandmother. In peace. So please do not be so upset my love."

We stayed in silence for a while, not wanting to mention anything else. I hugged into his neck and then he kissed my shoulder blade.

"Harry I do not want to marry him" I sighed.

"I know you don't" He whispered. "Neither do I"

"Do you think my grandfather would hate me?" I ask him. Harry looked to me and said nothing but shook his head, no. "I don't know what to do Harry. I really don't"

"I ended things with Isabella" He whispered in my ear. "Jim had asked me whether he could make a move on her"

I smiled to him and then stepped back from him. He looked to me and I kissed his lips firmly, his hands going back on my waist; moving my body against his. He pulled away slowly and then pushed my hair back.

"Rose my train back to London leaves tomorrow and my flight back to the US goes as soon as I get to Kings Cross." He began. "If you change your mind before then, tell me. Now go home and think about it. If you do not turn up, then I will forget my feelings and I will never come back to ruin things. But if you come to me, then I shall be yours and only yours forever. "

I nodded my head and looked towards Harrys lips.

"Now go home Rose and get some rest." He smiled and kissed the side of my head.

I walked back to the house, taking a slow walk of reflection – contemplating on what my grandfather wanted to say before he took his last breathe. Following the path into the house, I saw Edward alongside his father outside the house. Storming past them, I walked to the kitchens to get some food. As I prepared some food, I took it upstairs; feeling like a zombie – my thoughts were mush and I had no idea what to think or even say to anyone.

I lay on the bed as I ate my jam and bread; drinking my cup of tea as I looked out the window. My eyes began to get tired from all the crying that had done earlier on, everything seemed to be so fast pace and everything happens all at once.

As I looked to the birds chirping away outside, I saw the trees blowing in the wind and the leaves flying around in the air. I smiled as I lay back, thinking of all the happy times I had with my grandparents.

At Christmas I would spend my all the days with them, helping decorate the basement for Christmas Eve when all our aunts, uncles and cousins would be there. I remember making rings out of newspaper and homemade paste that strung together all over the walls and ceiling.

I remember my Grandfather always having toffees in his drawer and him always offering me one and me sneakily taking another, which one time he caught me. It terrified me at first but all he did was laugh and from then on he would buy me toffees every year for my birthday or Christmas.

These memories of them were my favourite and I knew I shall never forget them. They were my parents. They were my role models.

My eyes went sleepy and I lied back against the bed, allowing sleep to overtake my thought process. 

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