Chapter Twenty-Eight:

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"Rose?" I heard my name being called. I opened my eyes and saw my grandfather sat in his chair in the living room. "Honey you have been asleep for hours. You need to wake up, it is an important day"

"Grandfather?" I gasped, totally confused.

"It is me darling" He smiled as I indulged him in a huge hug. He laughed as I hugged him tightly – not letting go. "Oh Rose, I am so sorry"

"Don't be sorry grandfather" I cry as I hug into him more.

"I had no idea of the things he did to you" He frowned. "If I had known I would have never pushed it"

"I do not know what to do grandfather" I began. "I do not want to let you down."

"Rose you need to follow your heart" He cut me up. "I was in the wrong and pushed you to do something I thought was right. I am so sorry Rose and I hope you can forgive me"

"I forgive you" I smiled.

"Now do what your heart says sweetie" He grinned and I heard someone call his name from behind him.

"I have to go now Rose" He smiled. "But make the right decision for you. Your heart will tell you who" As he turned around, I saw grandmother with her outstretched hand.

"I love you two" I smiled as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"We love you my darling Rose" they both called out to me. "We shall be watching you always my darling. We are with your mother and father; who cannot be more proud of you. We love you Rose and do not change. Now got get your man"

I grinned as soon as they said those words to me.

That was when I woke up.

I looked to the clock and I saw the time was nearly 10 o'clock. I jumped out of bed and rushed to get my clothes on; I rushed to the door and touched the handle, trying to open it. It was locked and I could not get out. I carried on trying to open it and I hit on the door.

"Edward!" I called. "Edward I am locked in!"

"I know" I heard the voice on the other side. "Because I did it"

"What?" I snap. "Are you insane? I need to get out!"

"Why Rose?" He yelled as he hit the door. "Why?"

"Edward let me out" I screamed as I hit the door harder. "Edward!"

I smacked the door harder and then I panicked even more, seeing the time was ticking away. I hit the door with the candlestick that was on my desk, but it did not work.

"Why have you locked me in here?" I yelled and I got no reply. I rattled my brain and I looked towards my bed. Oh my.

I ran to the bed and lifted up my pillow, expecting to see the piece of paper Harry had left me the other day, but I was missing. I looked to the celling and mumbled something I do not wish to ever repeat ever again. As soon as I put the pillow down, I heard the door lock being messed around with. I looked in that direction and I moved closer to the door.

Edward walked in and threw the piece of paper in my face; followed in by his father. I closed my eyes and looked down to my feet.

"Care to explain this?" He yelled as he pointed to the piece of paper.

I don't say a word and I look up to him, not wanting to make any movement or speak any words.

"You are a whore" He shouted. "I thought sending him to America would work" He looked towards his dad and then I gasped.

"What did you just say?" I ask, getting angrier by the second.

"You heard me" He yelled and I moved to him, shoving him back.

"You arsehole" I scream and hits his chest, but gets pulled back by William. "You sent Harry away because you thought it would make me love you?"

Edward did not say a word and stayed silent alongside his father who had let me go.

"Edward, I will never love you" I shouted. "Never!"

I hit his chest and he pushes me back to the floor.

"You are to marry me!" He yells. "That is final"

"No" I shout and I shake my head fast. "I shall never"

I spit at him and I suddenly feel his hand crack across my face, snapping it back with the force of his blow and causing my head to reel sickeningly as it slams into the human wall behind me. When black dots quit covering my vision I am standing in the middle of the room with the person I hate the most, in front of me.

"You are to stay here" He stuttered. "If I find out that you have left this house, you will never be able to return."

I looked at my shoes.

"Do I make myself clear?" He snapped. "Rose?" Edward grabbed my shoulders, shaking them.

"Yes" I squeak and he walks out, leaving the room and locking it once more. I run to the door and slides down it, crying as I go down, knowing I will have lost Harry forever.

I heard the sound of a car driving out of the house, due to the gates being so squeaky. I curled up in a ball, completely giving up all hope and wanting nothing but to die. The hurt is a spider web, intricate, yet strong. I know in time it will pass and the sun will regain its warmth, but the joy from my heart is gone.

Lies like deep ocean currents, invisible, can surface with sudden brutal ferocity, sweep you away in engulfing despair, surrender or fight, drown or swim, a private ocean with rock shores, wave battered, intense squalls, periods of inexplicable peace, currents hidden once more, buried, dormant, stirring the depths with malevolent force.

I felt so alone.

Goodbye Harry. 

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