Chapter Twenty:

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"I want to thank everyone for coming tonight" Edward cheered as he stood up at the end of the table, while the whole village looked to him. "We have done so much this year, not just as individuals but as a nation. We have beaten the enemy and set the innocent free. As Englishmen, we are heroes – each and every one of us. To the men fighting on the land, the sea, the sky, abroad and to the women at home, for making sure we had a running country to come back to. Those men, who were unable to fight, thank you for keeping this country going. Thank you for allowing us to have a country and a home to come back too."

His speech captivated the hearts of Castle Combe and even mine; his words were powerful and stuck like a knife into our hearts. It seemed so real. So genuine and I can assure you that Edward meant every word he spoke. He looked down to me and then put his hand on mine.

"I want to thank my fiancé." He smiled as he continued to look to me. "For being with me when times were tough. She is an inspiration to me and to you all, I am sure. Tonight I want to dedicate this ball to the whole nation. Merry Christmas to you all"

Everyone cheered as they 'clunked' their drinks with the person next to them; mumbling 'Merry Christmas'. Edward leant down to me and placed a kiss on the corner of my mouth. I looked to him and grinned, feeling so warm around him. He took a large swig from his brandy and then the music began.

"Dance with me" I begged as I giggled, trying to pull him up from his chair.

"No" He smiled. "You dance with the girls. I have some business to do."

"But Edward its Christmas" I sighed as he brought me onto his lap. "Can't you have a well-deserved break with your fiancé?"

"You are adorable" He grinned as he lit a cigarette in between his lips. "I would love to kiss you right now"

"You are avoiding my question" I giggled as I stood up, only to be brought back down.

"Kiss me" he smirked, making my throat go dry. I bit down on my lip, really wanting to kiss his lips very badly.

"Ro?" I heard my name being called.

Harry? My brain thought, maybe he did come back after all.

I moved away from Edward and saw Betty standing their laughing to Ken, wanting me to come and dance with them. I couldn't get him out of my head and it was driving me insane. Please God do not taunt me with his voice.

"I think Jack will propose to Katherine on Christmas!" Betty squealed.

"I totally agree" I giggled. "They are so adorable and perfect"

"Oh for sure." She agreed, "They will make such incredible children!"

"Betty!" I laughed as I hit her arm.

"What?" She laughed. "I am merely telling the truth."

We both laughed to each other as we danced to the music. Watching our best friend snog the face off her boyfriend – near fiancé – in the corner of the room. Ew. As the music died down, I felt arms snake around my waist as everyone began to slow dance.

"Miss me?" Edward whispered in my ear.

"I have only been away from you, for about half an hour Ed" I smirked as I turned to face him.

"So that means you missed me gorgeous" He grinned as he kissed my lips firmly. He pulled away quickly and then grabbed my hand; pulling me to go outside. Before I can question him, he pushes me to the wall and hungrily kisses my lips.

"Your lips are so addictive" He moaned as he continued to kiss me.

His hands trailed from my lower back, to my bum and he gently squeezed it, making me squeal. He moved against me, making me feel weird and I wanted it to stop. He was a great kisser but it felt weird and I did not like it.

"Stop Ed" I spoke softly as he carried on. "Please?"

He pulled away and then looked to me. "You are so beautiful"

I blushed profusely and then looked to the ground. He tilted my chin up slowly to face him.

"I really care about you" He smiled. "And one day I hope you feel the same."

I say nothing; then I peck his lips and pull him back inside, leaving the snowy atmosphere outside. The music was still playing and people were having so much fun. It really was an amazing atmosphere tonight, but I could not help but to be annoyed that my grandfather is not here.

"Where is my grandfather?" I asked the baker. "Is he here?"

"No" He replied. "He said he did not want to come"

"Oh" I frown and then Katherine comes running up to me.

"I am engaged!" She squealed. "Jack just asked me now. Oh Rose!"

I screamed with joy and Betty came running up to see what was wrong. Katherine put her hand out to show us the ring. Betty gasped; she admired the ring. It was beautiful.

"I know it is not like Rose's million diamond ring" She winked. "But I love it."

"No Katherine it is beautiful." I grinned. "He must of saved a lot for that and put in a lot of effort."

"We are to marry next month!" She squealed. "We only want a small wedding and we want to hurry up and be man and wife. Oh guys I love him so much and I would not want my life to be different."

"You can get married at our house if you would like." I suggested which intrigued Katherine. "Edward would not mind and we can even use the gardens. It can still be small."

"Oh that would be wonderful!" She squealed. "Thank you so much!"

We spoke about her wedding plans all night. This made me a little excited at the same time for mine. Yet I could not help but feel so sad. So upset that I had let him go.

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