Chapter Sixteen:

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"Rose, come on!" My Grandfather yelled to me from the shop floor.

"I am coming" I yelled back so he could hear me.

Grandfather was making me go and see Edward and his father today, William. We are supposed to be meeting him at 11 for a meal, which is a bit early to have any lunch – but that was the least of my worries. I had no idea what this meeting was even about and it terrified me slightly. It concerned me on what my Grandfather was up too.

"Goodbye Grandmother" I smile sympathetically as I see her lying in bed. She was not feeling too great and it worried me, for she was an old dear and I cared for her wellbeing greatly.

"Goodbye my dear" She spoke in a hoarse voice. "Try and have fun. But Rose"

She started to cough and I immediately sat her up; putting my hand behind her back and raising her up an inch. She stopped coughing and grabbed my hand.

"Try and be polite" She added and I smirked to her,

"Aren't I always Grandmother" I grinned and she chuckled to herself. I kissed her cheek and went to downstairs to see Grandfather looking awfully impatient.

"Hurry up Rose" he snapped and they walked out of the shop, locking the door.

I walked through the streets; following my grandfather with every step he took. I had no clue where we were going too, but I did not want to argue with him – especially because of Grandmother being so ill, it added extra pressure on him. As we walked to the end of the village, we arrived at the huge house I always would admire as a child; it had been up for sale for years.

During the war, no one had enough money to buy it and it was not on their list of priorities. It was a huge house that had huge Victorian windows that surrounded the house. The garden was magnificent and was like the botanical garden I used to go to as a child in Oxford. There were flowers surrounding every part of the house and it always fascinated me, they were mostly wild but they were so gorgeous and angelic like.

"Is this where they live?" I gasped slightly, trying not to show I was interested what so ever.

"They do indeed." Grandfather spoke in awe as he looked around the front of the house – mansion.

We walked to the front steps of the door and Grandfather rang their doorbell. He looked to me.

"Rose remember to be polite and nice" He snapped sternly. I nodded my head, not wanting to argue, even though I was having to hold my tongue.

Before another word was spoken or another demand or requirement was made, the door was opened by a man in a black suit.

"Good morning" he bowed his head slightly. "I shall take you to see them"

They have a butler? I thought in my head. Oh how prestigious. We followed the man who wore the suit, as he took us through the rooms of the mansion; Grandfather was so fascinated with the architecture and the décor of the house. I would be lying to everyone and myself if I said I too, was not fascinated by the house, for it was most beautiful.

The butler walked in to the conservatory and spoke to who I assumed were Edward and his father. The man came back to us and then brought us to the room to see the two of them sat there, with a cigar in one hand, drinking a small glass of what I thought was brandy.

"Isn't it too early to be drinking?" Grandfather laughed, which did not really seem to amuse the other two.

"It is never too early" William smirked as he poured another glass, presumably for my grandfather.

He walked over to us and placed the drink in Grandfathers hand; he drank it willingly and all in one hit – which amused the two chauvinistic pigs in front of me. I rolled my eyes at how something so childish could amuse their tiny brains.

"So you are probably wondering why I invited you here." William spoke as he motioned me to take a seat.

"I thought we were going out for a meal?" I asked, earning a glare from my grandfather.

"So fiery" William smirked as he looked to me. "Exactly what Edward needs"

"What?" I gasp in shock as I look to him.

"Your Grandfather and I have decided that you and Edward are to be married." He smiled as he sat down, putting his cigar between his lips and taking a puff.

"Father you are forgetting" Edward glared to me. "She already has a boyfriend."

My Grandfather gasped in shock as he looked to me in disgust. I closed my eyes, wanting to disappear but also wanting to rip Edward's head off. Opening my eyes, Grandfather glares at me even more.

"Who is this person?" He snapped to me as William and Edward looked smugly at me.

"It is Harry" Edward answered for me. I had to try and control myself for I was getting more angrier by the second; afraid if I was in their presence for much longer, I would do something I would not necessarily forget.

"I forbid you to see him" My grandfather ordered as he looked to the men.

"No!" I snap to him as I stand up. "No way!"

"Do not argue with your own blood Rose" William smirked, talking to me like I am a child.

"For Pete's Sake" I snap. "I am an adult; I can be with who I want."

"You are doing as I say!" He yells to me. I stay quiet, slightly afraid of my own Grandfather, which was something that had never happened before. A tear roles down my cheek and I look to the ground; not wanting the others to see my emotional state.

"You are doing what I say and that is final" He glares to me. "You are to marry Edward sometime next year and that is an order child!"

I looked to Edward who refused to look to me; for a moment I actually thought I saw some sympathy in that cold hearted boy's eyes. He looked to his father and then back to me.

"So you need to break things off with Harry" William orders as he inhales his cigar. "Or we shall break you apart."

I nod my head, unable to say anything else.

"For now, you are dismissed" He added. "You have something to do"

Getting up, I walked out the house quicker than the wind. I heard footsteps behind me; calling out my name and telling me to slow down. Meanwhile, I am trying to ignore the person, not wanting to speak or see anyone.

"Wait!" He said as he pulled my arm. My body swung around and I fell into Edwards's arms, our heads so close to each other's. For a moment, my body could not move.

"Get off of me Edward." I whispered as I pushed him away.

"Come on Rose please listen to me." He begged. "We have to work things out because at the end of the day, we are to be man and wife!"

"I shall never be yours" I snap to him as I point a finger at him, not wanting him to speak another word.

"Yes you will!" He barks and grabs my arms. "We are too be married and I have nothing else to say and neither should you!"

I frowned to him and kept telling him to let me go – which he did eventually.

With that, I ran out of the property, not wanting to speak to anyone else.

I needed to speak to Harry. But I wanted to be left alone.

So I decided to go to the woods.

To think things through. 

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