Chapter Twenty-One:

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"Miss Williams?" I heard our butler, Martin call as he knocked on my door

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"Miss Williams?" I heard our butler, Martin call as he knocked on my door.

"Martin" I called as I put on my robe. "What is the matter?"

"Miss Katherine is here to see you" He answered. "Should I send her up?"

"Yes please Martin" I smiled; putting on my slipper and fixing my hair slightly. I had just woken up and I was so exhausted after shopping with Katherine yesterday to get the final bits for the wedding – which is tomorrow.

"Hey girl" She grinned as she walked in my room. "Is Edward not home?"

I shook my head as I drank my tea. "No he is away in London today. But he will be back for tomorrow."

She sipped on the tea that was set in front of her. "I needed to talk to you about something" She sighed as she set the cup onto the saucer. Katherine looked to me, seriously; that worried me greatly.

"What on earth is wrong?" I ask, worried that she might say something that shall upset me. "Have I done something wrong?"

"No of course you have not Rose" She grinned. "It is just I wanted to talk to you about a certain-"

She began and I knew exactly on who she was talking about, Harry.

"Person" She coughed and I listened to her intently. "He was always going to come and I would not want things to be awkward. Jack wanted me to talk to you and of course I did too, Harry is his best man at the wedding and you of course are my maid of honour, so you guys will be partnered up at the wedding and we need a run through tonight and Harry will be there and Rose I know you still like him and I-"

"Katherine" I smiled as she stopped her rant. "I am fine. I have gotten over my feelings" I lied to her and more importantly, myself – I am not sure whether she actually believed me.

"Besides" I continued. "It is your wedding. I shall not make things awkward for you and Jack, it is your happy day and I shall not ruin it for you."

Katherine grinned to me and then looked around the room, she looked to me and then a knock comes from the main door of the house. Frowning, I stood up, alongside Katherine and walked to the door. As I opened it, the flower arranger walked in and started to put the flowers on the floor beside us. Looking to the door, I saw Jack standing there laughing with Ken and Jim; alongside a face I thought I would never see again.


Katherine looked to me and put a hand on my back for support. I looked to her and then smiled, fakely, but tried to make it convincing to her. They all walked in and looked to the two of us standing there; Harry walked in and looked around the house in awe, then looked to me.

Our eyes met and for a moment, I could see the love we once shared with each other. Our eyes were locked with each other and I did not want to move them away from him. Those feelings I had tried to conceal for months suddenly came rushing back in that split second. My head was starting to get a little dizzy and I could not be in his presence, in this state, for much longer.

"Excuse me for a moment." I mumbled. "I must attend to the flowers."

I picked up a flower pot and walked to the gardens, where the ceremony will be held. As I put the flowers in the correct order, I felt someone's presence become known beside me. I turned my head to see Harry standing there, with his hands in his pockets.

"Hey" He smiled, making me feel slightly awkward. I smiled to him and then carried on arranging the flowers correctly. "How are you?"

"I am well" I replied to him. "How is America?"

"It is good." He answered as he moved closer to me. "I miss England though."

"England misses you" I stuttered as I walked around him.

"And you?" He asked as he grabbed my waist, moving me closer to his side. His lips close to my ear; he moves closer to me. "Have you missed me?"

"Harry" I stuttered.

I moved away from him as soon as I heard someone calling out Harry's name. A females voice.

"Harry?" I heard the American voice call out.

Harry looked down to his feet as she walked closer to us.

"Harry I thought you were going to get a drink for me?" She grinned as he lit a cigarette; taking a puff of it and placing it on his familiar lips.

"I was just talking to Rose." He smiled. "Rose this is Isabella. Isabella, this is Rose."

"Hey there" She grinned as she looked to me. "You are very pretty."

"Thanks" I mumbled awkwardly. "And you"

"You have such a lovely house" She gushed as she looked around. "It is not mine. It is my-"

I looked to Harry, as he stared at me intently; placing the cigarette in between his lips. "It is my fiancés"

"Oh, nice." She smiled slightly. "Where is he?"

"He is away on a business trip" I answer her as she moves into Harry's chest.

"Harry is always like that." She giggled as she looked up to him. "There are days when I just want to hug him all day and kiss his little face, but army men have duties" 

She laughs as she looked to me. I stare to her and then smiles, awkwardly. She coughs and then excuses herself. I start to feel really guilty that I am using my stupid feelings to get the better of me and ultimately, I was now being rude to anyone who had Harry's attention. It was not fair on them and even Harry. Feeling guilty, I cannot control my feeling and I am sending signals to Harry and I was being selfish. I did not want to send him mixed signals and play him. After all, I am to be married to his old commanding officer during the war. 

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