Chapter Ten:

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He puts his hand to side of my cheek, drawing me in closer to him

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He puts his hand to side of my cheek, drawing me in closer to him. Our kiss deepens and my hands push him back quickly; truthfully not wanting to break the kiss. We catch our breath, shocked by our actions and something both of us would never regret. As I looked up to him, I get pulled by the girls to come and dance with them. I turn back to Harry and smiles hugely to him.

"He was a famous trumpet man from out Chicago way

He had a boogie style that no one else could play

He was the top man at his craft

But then his number came up, and he was gone with the draft

He's in the army now, a-blowin' reveille

He's the boogie woogie bugle boy of Company B" We sang as we danced around with each other.

We carried on all night dancing with each other and I did not see much of Harry; he seemed to be with the other boys, drinking and playing game of cards. While dancing with the girls, Betty turned around and hit into Caitlin and Megan.

"Hey girls" Caitlin squeals to us.

"Oh, hello" I mumble as I stop dancing to speak to the two girls

"Great dance" Megan grinned and began to kick her legs in glee. "Isn't it"

She ended her sentence with an answer rather than the question – a question she had quite clearly answered herself.

"Hmm" Caitlin replied. "Not as good as those at home."

I rolled my eyes, not wanting to hear any more complaints coming out of her mouth. In reality, all I really wanted to say was 'If you hate it here so badly, why don't you just go home'. But I knew I could not say that, for it would be very rude and quite frankly, unlike me.

"That is a shame then" Betty rolled her eyes and then walked over to Ken.

Oh no.

Why did you have to walk over there Betty? I scream in my head. Now Caitlin is going to be all over Harry, which is something I cannot deal with right now – especially after our kiss. I walked over to them as quickly as I could and held onto Harry's arm – which shocked him a little.

"Rose what is wrong?" He asks and then looks up to see Caitlin walking over here. "Oh, that is why"

I could feel that famous smirk come onto his face. Looking up to him, he smirks even more and it drives me insane – insane with jealousy; I could not handle anymore. I did not know what has come over me. I bet I look like a right creep.

"Hi Harry" Caitlin flirtatiously spoke. "Are you going to ask me to dance?"

"Sorry Caitlin" He smiled friendly. "But I have just asked Rose to share this dance with me."

"Oh" she frowned and then turned away to Jim.

"Nice ploy" I smiled as I turned to look at him.

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