Chapter Five:

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My feet all of a sudden become more interesting that anything else

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My feet all of a sudden become more interesting that anything else. While the others continue to talk, I feel someone stand beside me and brush my hand slightly. My whole body explodes with butterflies as I see it is Harry. He leaned in to my ear so only I could hear what he was about to say. I continued to look straight ahead while he whispered in my ear.

"I am sorry about earlier." He confessed. "I never meant to leave you like that. I was just-"

Before he could say anything else I turned around to face him.

"Harry you do not have to explain yourself." I assure him, he was always a panicky person. "I am fine."

"I don't believe it Ro." He argued quietly.

"I am fine." I whispered close to him, looking over his shoulder. "So stop worrying about me"

"You know I cannot do that." He put his hand on my waist.

My breathing hitched.

I looked into his green, hazel coloured eyes; becoming so captivated in them. He was so incredibly handsome. His jawline was so sharp; his hair was so perfect even when he hadn't touched it. He was truly beautiful and I was trying so hard not to show how much I actually fancied him – which makes me sound like a little girl once again.

I could not speak another word, for I feared nothing would come out of my mouth but a small shriek due to my emotions going crazy. Looking down to where his hand was I looked back up to him,; going on my tippy toes to his ear.

"Then carry on" I whispered and came face to face with him.

I gulped then slowly moved away from him. Before we can do or say anything else, a man comes over to Harry and shakes his hand; greeting him very pleasantly. I watched them as they engaged in a quick, brief 'Hi, how are you?' conversation; Harry turned to me and introduced me to the fine looking gentleman.

"Edward this is Rose." Harry smiled to me. "Rose this is Edward; he was the commanding officer in my regiment when I was in Normandy."

"Nice to meet you" I responded to Harry's introduction.

"And you" He smiled and kissed my hand. "I must say you are incredibly beautiful."

"Why thank you" I blushed as I pulled my hand away slowly.

Harry coughed which brought Edward's attention back to Harry, instead of me. I excused myself and turned to see Harry watching me walk away. Blushing I walked back to the shop, to see someone talking with my Grandfather; which seemed very intense. As I walk in, they both snap their heads towards me and then stop their conversation; walked past me then out the shop.

I looked towards my Grandfather and he shook his head; obviously not wanting me to ask any questions about the matter – which I respected.

Around the dinner table, Grandmother was tucking into the meal she had just prepared for us, while Grandfather sat staring at his meal. He did not seem alright. I looked to him them my Grandmother who shook her head to me. I sighed, tucking into my meal in peace and quiet. As I helped her clean the dishes up afterwards, there was a knock at the door. I heard some muffled voices and then the voices seemed to get louder. Continuing to wash up, I then felt a hand tap me on the shoulder.

Jumping in shock, I turned around to see Alice standing there with the three children. I looked to her and then the children, wanting to act so normal around them so they would not think anything was up. I walked them in the living room, where the children played in the corner; then I took Alice by the hand into the kitchen.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I snap at her.

"I was wondering whether you could look after the kids for a while" She gulped and stuttered. "As I am going out"

I do nothing but stare at her. I was mad. I was furious that she just showed up and expected me to look after the children without even giving me any notice. I shook my head in anger and annoyance.

"Please Rose." She begged me as I moved away from her. "Ro come on"

"Do not ever call me that" I yell at her.

She stands back in fright and I cough; quickly mutter an apology to her. I was never one to shout, but no one ever called me that expect Harry; selfish or not, I wanted to keep it that way.

"I cannot stay here with them Alice" I stress and then I sigh giving in. "I can take them out around the town and to the forest. But this is the last time I help you"

She thanks me and walks out instantly, I sigh and then hit the table with my hand – which kills and then a red mark forms on my hand. I walk to the children and I suggest going to the park and letting off some steam. The kid's love the idea and I shout to my Grandparents I shall be back soon; while being tugged by them to hurry up.

 Walking with them and holding hands, we get to the park that happens to be right by Harry's house. Once we go inside the area we see Ginny's son, Luke who is playing on the swing set. He giggles as he goes higher on the swing set.

"Push me faster Harry" I squealed.

"I can't reach that high Ro" Harry moaned, as he stomped his foot in aggravation.

"You know Harry I am going to school soon and I shall be far away from here." I giggled. "Will you miss me?"

"No way" Harry screws his nose up.

I say nothing else but swing higher, squealing as I went up.

I always smiled at the memories we used to share; they always stayed with me, even after all these years. The kids were in the park messing around, having fun. Meanwhile, I was the pusher – the swing pusher. Designated for the job. An automatic designation I would like to add, but I guess that's the ploy of being the adult. As Luke demands I push him higher, he waves to someone.

"Look at me!" He squeals. "I am flying"

As I move to see who the person is, I see no one but Harry standing there watching us have fun in the park. Behaving like let loose children, that wanted to have fun – which we were. I see him chuckle as John starts to chase me with a stick; on the end of it a worm. I squeal and then see that Harry has gone inside. John trips over and falls straight into me, knocking my balance completely; making him fall on top of me. Luckily for me the worm had fallen far away from me, so I was in no sudden rush to jump back onto my feet. We lay there giggling, completely forgetting about everything that is happening in real time – for we were in our own time. No cares whatsoever.

Helping John stand back up, I turn around and see Alice and Lark standing there. Alice stood behind him, seeming timid and shy to even come near us. Lark however seemed the total opposite. He seemed angry and confrontational. Which I did not like. He walked inside the park and glared to me as he took each step closer. 

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