Chapter Fourteen:

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After James had let out all of his emotions, he decided he need to leave the village with the children. He left the village as soon as he could, leaving Alice to go to her parents; to try and think of a way to get James back. I know she wanted him and vice versa, but things have become more complicated since she became pregnant with Larks child.

Throughout the rest of the day, the boys decided to stay at the river; the girls decided to sit on the side and read or do our croquet. We were all really quiet, soaking in the silence. For some reason everything seemed so much calmer since James and Alice had left. But I feared that I would jinx it so soon. As I read my book, I looked up to the sky.

The sky was clear, light blue painted through the horizon. Not a sign of one or two, big or small, white, fluffy clouds floating across the sky. And the wind, the wind was like nothing but calm air blowing through my hair, brushing past my skin. The calm air swifts around trees then suddenly hits a leaf, urging the leaf to fly its way down. Flying side to side, it swirls until it reaches the ground. The calm wind begins dazzling around.

Harry and Ken begin to play a game of cards on the side of the river; ever so often you here a mumble from the two of them, mumbling some curse words that make us chuckle if we hear them. Meanwhile, Katherine and Jack were asleep beside me. Betty was painting her nails, trying to get Jim to paint her toenails right, but he kept painting her skin rather than her toe.

"Jim!" She squeals. "Stop missing my bloody toenail!"

"Betty shut up with your complaints" He snaps. "Or find someone else!"

She sighed and allowed him to carry on his job, knowing that no one else would want the job of painting her nails. Once I had finished my chapter, my stomach rumbled and groaned; wanting food. I looked to the others and I stood up, catching some people's attention.

"I am going to get some food" I smiled as I put on my skirt, walking to Grandfathers house. As I walked in, I see a man at the shop; leaning on the side and talking to my Grandfather. Walking in, I see Edward come from the side of the shop; turning to me before I could hit into him.

My eyes furrow together and I look towards the three men standing at the shop; looking directly at me.

"Oh there you are" Grandfather spoke to me as I looked towards him. "This is Edwards's father, William."

"How do you do" I looked to him.

"Very well my dear" He spoke in an American accent. "I am glad you came. It could not be more than perfect timing."

"What for?" I ask, concerned and slightly scared.

"No need to talk about it now" He answered. "We can arrange a meal together, for we have some things to discuss."

I frowned and then excused myself, leaving to go and get some food. Trying to think why on earth Grandfather is talking to these two men. Why Edward? Whatever the case was, I could not tell Harry just yet because he would definitely overreact. As I went upstairs Grandmother was coughing as she was doing her knitting.

"You okay Grandmother?" I asked as I looked to her, as I ate an apple that was on the side.

"I am my dear" She coughed. "Do not worry about me. How has your day been?"

"Not bad" I smiled and then drank some water. "And yours?"

"All the same to me." She sighed. "It is that same thing every day"

I laugh at her remark and then hear the front door shut, assuming that Edward and his father had left, I rush downstairs and walks out the door; before Grandfather wants me to speak with him. Rushing back to the river, I hit into Edward who is heading the same direction.

"Oh Rose" He smirked as he came to me. "Where are you off to?"

"I am off to see my boyfriend and friends." I replied trying to get past him, but he instantly kept following me. Which grated on me as we took every step.

"Can't I come with you?" He asked as I walked faster.

"I am not sure the others would want you there" I say awkwardly as he catches up to me.

"You mean Harry?" He snapped, causing me to go to a standstill. Edward turns to me and then smirks slightly. I groan at him and smacks past him as I carry on walking.

"Oh shut up Edward and leave me be please" I beg him and then we get to the others. Straightaway I go to Harry and I wrap my arms around his neck, placing a kiss on his lips; making sure the Edward is watching us.

"Well this is awkward." Edward barked.

I really dislike people who are shallow, and completely unconcerned by their own shallowness. I mean people who have no awareness of their own privilege — who don't understand the offensiveness of complaining about having too many things to do or not meeting enough girls at a dance. I mean how shallow can one person get? Edward seemed to complain about every little thing and I hated that. It was probably was awkward, but that was what my intentions were.

"Well piss off then" Harry snapped as he looked to the man standing there.

"So much disrespect Harry" He argued back. "What happened to the boy who I moulded during the war?"

"He came back to reality." Harry became hot headed, trying to get to Edward – but Edward was winding up Harry, which was working indeed.

"Not really" Edward mocked to Harry as he looked to the boys who stood up, ready to defend their best friend. "Well it looks like I am not welcome here."

"Get the hint?" Jack snapped at him.

"I get it perfectly Johnson." Edward glared and turned around, starting to walk away. "Ah, Harry."

Harry turned to face him, afraid it might lose his act if he says anything stupid. He grips his hand on my waist, waiting for whatever comes out of his mouth.

"I would keep a hold of her" He smirked, referring to me. "You never know who might take her"

Harry went to lunge for him, but Ken and I had to try and hold him back. Edward walked off smugly; knowing he ticked off Harry.

"Harry stop" I snap, trying to stop him from running up to Edward to smack him.

"Harry!" I yelled and it brought his attention back to me. "Please stop"

"I cannot lose you to him!" He snaps to me and then grabs my hand.

"And you won't Harry" I argued. "You never will, not willingly. Harry I love you"

"You what?" He smiled as he blushed.

Oh gosh.

Rose you idiot. 

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