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(Peter is tied up in the back room again)Hey everyone. You might be wondering what i'm doing here tied up in the backroom. Two words. DeadPool. He sort of wanted revenge on me for sending him to dimension where mexican food does not exist. It was pretty funny at first,but deadpool found his way back and then he tied me up again and stole my chimichanga. I swear he is just to lazy to go out and buy his own food. By the way i think my ticket to get out of here just arrived.Mom!! Deadpool tied me up and locked me the back room again. Now the fun begins.

(An angry Natasha is heard shouting at Deadpool as gunfire is heard and a screaming deadpool aswell). Lesson is never mess with the son of black widow and never steal my food again.(Peter is later set free from the closet as Deadpool is kicked out of the compound)"Jesus. That kid's mom is hot and crazy. I like that. Oh by the way i found this video of him dancing and lipsyncing to Rhinna. It's hilarious. I can't wait to post it". I quuckly rushed out of the building and kicked Deadpool in the head. He'll be okay,he's already a nutcase. Like hell is he going to post that video. Time to send him back to the world without mexican food. Remeber deadpool never steal my chimichanga again. Ever!. Have fun in the world with no mexican food.

-Parker Romanoff signing off

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